Chapter 23

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Okay, this is it, the last chapter. This is so hard for me to end cause I really enjoyed writing this story but for all you Jace Norman lovers, in my upcoming book "You fixed me"  Which is coming up soon. Jace Norman is gonna be in it. So you guys should be expecting him. So for now here's the last chapter.

Henry's pov
I head to the hospital to go pickup Y/n. I arrive and head to the room where she was admitted to.

Henry: You ready?
Me: Yeah.

You both walk out and you still feel a little weak.
Henry: Y/n you okay?
Me: I just feel a little weak but nothing to worry about.

Then out of nowhere he carries you bridal style.

Me: Henry, is this really necessary? I can manage.
Henry: No, don't be stubborn and plus, the doctor strictly said you shouldn't stress yourself out.
Me: Fine.

He starts walking.

Henry: You look so pretty today.
Me: Thanks.
Henry: I love you so much.
Me: I love you too Henry.

You both reach the parking lot and he puts you down and open the door for you to go in. Then he goes into the car and grabs his phone to text Charlotte.

Text Convo
Henry: Are you guys done with the decorations yet?
Charlotte: Yeah, we're just waiting for you.
Henry: Thanks, I owe you guys one.
Charlotte: The day will come just hurry up.
Henry: Okay, I'm on my way.

End of text Convo.

Me: Hey Henry is everything okay? You look nervous, why?
Henry: Oh, no reason.
Me: By the way, who were you texting?
Henry: Oh, just Charlotte. I was just telling her that you're finally leaving the hospital.
Me: Oh, okay.

Henry starts the car and you both arrive at your house. He opens the door for you to come out of the car. The, you both head in.

Me: Hey, why's everywhere dark, Henry where are you.
Everyone except you: Surprise!!!
Me: Aww you guys.
Andy: It was all Henry's idea, we just helped.
Me: Henry, really?
Henry: Yeah.
Me: No wonder you looked nervous earlier.
Henry: Yeah.

You all started the celebration, ate, played games, laughed and even played Kareoke. Some minutes later, while everyone was still playing games, Henry and you both go to the garden cause he says he has a surprise for you. You both arrive only for you to see this

 You both arrive only for you to see this

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Me: Henry this is so beautiful.
Henry: Yeah, I figured since we weren't able to have our date that day, this would make up for what we missed.
Me: Did you do it yourself?
Me: Well I had a little help from Charlotte, the gang and the rest of your family.
Me: Aww.

You two sit down and just start talking.

Me: So, you're a super hero?
Henry: Yeah, it still surprises me too.
Me: So do you have any super power?
Henry: As a matter of fact, I do.
Me: Care to show me!
Henry: Okay, grab that fork and try to throw it at me like you wanna attack me.
Me: Okay?

I throw it at him and he catches it immediately.

Me: Woah and you call that?
Henry: Super fast reflexes ( forgot the real name, sorry guys)

Then, he takes you by the hand and say you won't let go by James Arthur starts playing at the background.

Me: How did you know? I love this song.
Henry: I had a little help.
Me: Andy, told you right?
Henry: Yeah.

You both start slow dancing.

Henry: I love you.
Me: I love you too Henry and I'll never let go.

Then, everyone comes out and start awwing.

Henry: Guys?
Jasper: What we got bored, I mean what's a party without the celebrant.
Charlotte: Okay, guys let's leave the love birds alone.

Everyone except you and Henry leaves.

Henry: Now where was I?

You both looked into each other's eyes and before you knew it Henry and you start to kiss under the stars while the music was still playing.

Me: l love you.
Henry: I love you too Y/n

Then, you both kiss again.

The End.

If you liked this story, please kindly vote below and you haven't heard the last of me. I'll still write more amazing stories. And thanks guys very much for taking your time to read my story, I really appreciate.


Love you all💖💖💖💖💖💗

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