Chapter 6

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It's already been a week of me being in Swellview high and so far it's been amazing. I've made wonderful friends. Today's a Saturday and Charlotte's coming over later. I'm the only one at home cause Mom and Dad are at work and Andy's out with her friends, so I'm pretty much alone, so I decided to invite Charlotte over and plus, can you believe this is the first time she's coming over to my house? I know, it's unbelievable. So, I'm in the living room watching TV and suddenly I hear the doorbell. I go see who it is and it's Charlotte.
Me: Hey, Charlotte.
Charlotte: Hey you.
Me: Come in.

She comes in and we head to my room.

Charlotte: Wow Y/n, your home is beautiful.
Me: Thanks girl.
Charlotte: Can you believe I've never been to you house until now?
Me: I know right? So what do you wanna do.
Charlotte: I don't know.
Me: You wanna go watch  TV?
Charlotte: Sure.

We head back to the living room and it's showing Twilight.

Charlotte: OMG!!! I love this so much.
Me: Me too. It's like the best movie ever. I still swoon over the characters. So are you on team Edward or Jacob?
Charlotte: I don't know they're both hot. I just can't decide.
Me: I know right? I love both so much.

I go get us some popcorn and we watched it all from the beginning to the ending. There was a lot of awwing involved.
Charlotte: That was a great movie.
Me: Yeah, if only I could find true love like Bella did.
Charlotte: Speaking of romance, do you happen to have a crush on anyone?
Me: I don't think so.
Charlotte: I don't believe that.
Me: Who do you think I could possibly have a crush on?
Charlotte: I don't know, maybe...
Me: Maybe who?
Charlotte: Henry?
The next thing I know, I start to blush. Woah, where did that come  from?
Me: He is kinda cute.
Charlotte: So, do you like him?
Me: I don't know.
Charlotte: I know you do.
Me: Why do you think so?
Charlotte: Cause, when I mentioned his name you blushed and that's a clear sign you like him.
Me: Charlotte, why?
Charlotte: Why what?
Me: Why are you picking on me? Aren't you suppose to be my friend?
Charlotte: First of all I am not picking on you and second of all, you can't fool me.
Me: Whatever.
Charlotte: You still haven't answered my question.
Me: What question?
Charlotte: Do you like Henry?
Me: I don't know.
Charlotte: So that's a yes.
Me: I told you, I don't know.
Charlotte: But you didn't say no.
Me: You're impossible.
Charlotte: You too girlie.
Me: When I'm ready, I'll be ready.
Charlotte: Whatever but you can't hide the truth.
Me: Shut up.

After a while of talking and watching more TV, Charlotte decides to go.

Charlotte: Okay, I better be in my way.
Me: Where to?
Charlotte: To work.
Me: You work?
Charlotte: Yeah, at a store called Junk -N- Stuff. Henry and Jasper work there too.
Me: Okay, I don't wanna make you late, so we'll talk later OK?
Charlotte: Okay.

I walk her to the door and we wave at each other before I close the door. I head back to my room still thinking about what Charlotte said. Could I possibly like Henry? No, snap out of it Y/n, besides you two have only known each other for a week it's not like he likes you that way or you like him. I think.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story. And oh thanks for the likes and seriously 17 views? Thanks so much guys. The next parts are gonna be interesting and a bit of mystery too. If you know what I'm talking about.

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