Chapter 12

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Henry's pov
I'm on my way to Y/n's. Luckily, I texted her telling her to go ahead to Sotto Voce cause I am going to be late. I'm almost there, that is until Ray beeps me.

Henry: Ray, what's up?
Ray: Remember when I said I could handle the mission?
Henry: Yeah
Ray: Well... I can't... I need your help kid.
Henry: I thought you said you could...
Ray: Well I realized I can't, the bridge is about to collapse and some people are stuck on the bridge . I need help Henry.
Henry: Okay I'll be there.
Ray: Thanks and I'm sorry.
Henry: It's okay.

End of conv...

Why'd this have to happen now. Maybe I should call Y/n and tell her I'd be a little bit late again.
I check my pockets. Darn it! I forgot my phone at Junk -N- Stuff. Maybe if I head out now to Ray I'll make it on time. I head to the Jandy bridge.

Your pov
I'm still waiting and Henry told me he would be a little bit late and he says he's on his way but it's been like an hour and he's not here. Did he stand me up? What's wrong? Why isn't he here yet? I mean he was the one that asked me out in the first place. Maybe I should give him time.

3 hours later...

It's been three hours now and he still isn't here. Yeah, I was stood up. I decide to head home cause it's late. I feel so used and stupid. I can't believe this happened and there i was thinking this night would be wonderful. Oh well guess dreams don't always come true. I go out of the restaurant sad and hurt. I feel so used.  I finally arrive home and knock on the door. Thank goodness Mom and Dad aren't home to see me like this or they would've killed Henry. Andy opens the door.

Andy: Hey, how was your... 
I couldn't handle it anymore, I hugged her and started to cry. Andy leads me to my room.
Andy: Hey, what happened, did the date not go well?
Me: There was no date. I said while still crying.
Andy: What do you mean?
Me: I waited for him but he never came.
Andy: Not even a call?
Me: He texted me at first saying he would be late, then he texted again saying he was on his way.
Andy: Maybe something came up.
Me: Why are you defending him?
Andy: What? No I'm not, I just don't think he would be the kind of person that would do that without a solid reason.
Me: Well he did and I feel so used.

I cry more and Andy gives me a hug. After some minutes, she leaves. She asked if I wanted to eat anything but I told her no cause I wasn't in the mood. I decide to go take a shower to see if it'll do me any good but it doesn't, I still feel so sad. The next thing I know I burst into tears again and I end up crying myself to sleep.

Henry's pov
Ray and I arrive at the Man Cave all wet and soggy. I decided to go Change, I finish changing and see Charlotte.
Charlotte: How was the save guys?
Henry: Good ( he says sadly)
Ray: I'm sorry Henry. This was all my fault.
Henry: Don't worry about it, you couldn't have handled it yourself, I mean even I wouldn't be able to without you.
Ray: But still...
Henry: Don't worry about it Ray, I'm going home, see you tomorrow guys.

After Henry leaves..
Ray: It's obvious he's not okay.
Charlotte: Yeah, I could see it in his expression.
Ray: Yeah, it was all my fault.
Charlotte: Don't blame yourself, you're still a human being, we all still need help sometimes and look, at least you guys saved people's lives. Everyone's happy.
Ray: Yeah, everyone except Henry. He was really looking forward to this date. I'm sure Y/n would be hurt too. I'm at fault.
Charlotte: Oh Ray.

Henry's pov

I try calling Y/n and sent her a bunch of texts but she didn't reply to anyone of them. She probably hates me. Great, I hurt the only girl I've ever loved. I hate myself right now. I feel so terrible.

I know this chapter was a little bit sad but don't worry, every love story has its challenges and misunderstandings. Don't you think? And besides I'll get to the good part guys.

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