Chapter 21

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Your pov
I'm still tied up and I think my head's bleeding. Must've been the hard hit on my head. Henry and Ray should hurry up. Then suddenly Dr Minyak walks up to me and holds my face.

Dr Minyak: Prepare to meet your doom girl.
Me: Let go of me!
Dr Minyak: Not a chance.

Then I bite his hand as hard as I could.

Dr Minyak: Ow! Nurse Cohort ( His Assistant)!
She bit me! The brat bit me!
Nurse Cohort: Well you could, I don't know start by keeping away.
Dr Minyak: Whatever.
Me: Kid Danger and Captain Man will come for me.
Dr Minyak: You see that's exactly what I want to happen.
Me: What are you planning?
Dr Minyak: Oh you'll see.

Some minutes later...
Captain Man and Kid Danger arrive at the abandoned building.

Captain Man: Hey Dr Maniac.
Dr Minyak: it's Dr Minyak you butt head.
Kid Danger: Okay we're here where is she?
Dr Minyak: Oh you'll find out soon.
Captain Man: Why did you call us here.
Dr Minyak: Oh you see, I've been keeping an eye on you two for some time now and...
Captain Man: Yeah, yeah, yeah just cut to the chase already, what do you want.
Dr Minyak: Shut up and let me finish. Firstly, before I give you the girl, you'll have to make a deal with me.
Kid Danger: What deal?
Dr Minyak: Before, I rescue her you'll have to let me commit all the crimes I want to.
Nurse Cohort: Really, that's your plan?
Dr Minyak: Hey, I am getting somewhere!
Kid Danger: What makes you think we're gonna agree to this.
Dr Minyak: How about a video clip showing you two transform to Captain Man and Kid Danger. Is that what you want Henry and Ray?
Captain Man: How do you know our real names?
Dr Minyak: Like I said, I've been watching you.
Kid Danger: How?
Dr Minyak: Remember when you and Captain Man saved some civilians from the collapsing Jandy bridge? Well, Nurse Cohort was under disguise as an elderly lady and slipped in a chip in your phones.
Captain Man: What?
Dr Minyak: So will you cooperate?
Kid Danger: There's no way, you're bluffing.
Dr Minyak: Fine then, I know what will break you.

He heads over to you and grabs you by the hand and in front of Henry and Ray points a blaster at you

Me: Let me go!
Dr Minyak: You better cooperate or your precious girlfriend gets it.
Me: Henry don't do it.
Captain Man: Kid?
Dr Minyak: I'm waiting. Okay that's it.
Kid Danger: Okay Fine, deal.
Me: What! No!

He pushes you to Captain Man and Kid Danger.

Dr Minyak: Finally! Nurse Cohort, we are victorious.
Nurse Cohort: Yes, you actually did it, you beat them, we beat them.
Dr Minyak: Yes! Yes! Yes!

While they were both celebrating Kid Danger brings out he's blaster and zaps them which makes them to get unconscious.

Captain Man: Good thinking kid.
Kid Danger: Guess our plan turned out as planned.
Me: Wait you two planned this?
Captain Man: Actually, I planned this.
Me: So what about them?
Captain Man: kid bring me the memory wiper.
Kid Danger: Here you go.

He zaps both of them while they are still unconscious.

Me: So they won't remember a thing?
Captain Man: Not even their names.

They destroy the footage of them transforming and call the police.

Henry: Y/n you okay?
Me: Yeah.
Henry: I thought I would never see you again.
Me: Not a chance, that would never happen. Ow
Henry: You okay?
Me: Yeah, my head hurts and I feel a little dizzy.

The next thing I know, everything goes black and I faint.

Henry: Ray! Call the ambulance!
Ray: Okay kid, I'm on it!

The ambulance later arrive and carries you on the stretcher.

Henry : Don't worry Y/n, everything's gonna be fine.

I don't know if this chapter was interesting, cause the plot was better in my mind and honestly, I didn't know what to write cause this chapter was full of action so, yeah. Anyway thanks guys for the reads and cause of you lovelies, my ranking went up  to number 6. I'm so surprised and happy. Thanks guys for all your support through out this story cause I honestly don't think this story would actually get more recognition. Thanks guys. The next chapter might be the last, I don't know but for now you can comment below and tell me your favorite parts of this story so far or even ask questions.

Love you all💖💖💖

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