Chapter 13

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The next day...
Your pov
My alarm clock goes off and I realize it's Monday. I wake up still thinking about what happened yesterday. Today's just going to be another sad day for me. I can't believe I'm still going to face him at school cause I don't feel like even looking him in the eye after he stood me up. I get up from bed, grab my things and head to the bathroom, afterwards, I get dressed and head downstairs, I see Andy.

Andy: Morning sis.
Me: Morning (You say sadly)
Andy: Hey you okay.

I just respond with a nod.

Andy: hey, you didn't eat anything last night, you hungry?
Me: Yeah... Um Andy?
Andy: Yeah?
Me: Could you drive me to school today? I don't feel like walking.
Andy: Sure, hey I know you're not okay. You can't hide it from me.
Me: I can't lie, I'm not okay, I just feel so hurt.
I try to hold back my tears but I just couldn't. I start to cry. Then, Andy comes to give me a hug.
Andy: Don't cry, everything's gonna be okay.
Me: Okay, I say while wiping my tears.
Andy: C'mon let's head to your school or you'll be late.

We head to the car and Andy starts it. I decide to check my phone only for me to see missed calls and texts from Henry. Before I knew it we were already at school.

Andy: We're here.
Me: yeah.
Andy: Take care okay?
Me: Okay I guess.

I head out of the car and go in. I see Charlotte and she comes to see me.

Charlotte: Morning.
Me: Oh, hey Charlotte.
Charlotte: You okay?
Me: Yeah, I guess.
Charlotte: I heard what happened last night, you okay?
Me: Lemme guess, Henry told you.
Charlotte: On, the contrary, Andy did.
Me: Oh.
Charlotte: You wanna talk.
Me: Not really, let's just head to class.

We head to class and we take our seats, the next thing I know Henry walks in. He looks at me but I turn my face. I don't wanna talk to him today or any other day. Ms Shapen comes in and the class begins.

Henry's pov
The minute I step into the class, I see Y/n and she doesn't even wanna look at me. I don't blame her, she probably hates me and thinks I flaked on her. My own girlfriend doesn't even wanna look at me. I deserve it, I miss her so much, she's so close but I can't even hold her.

Lunch time...
Your pov
It's lunch time, Charlotte and I head to the cafeteria. We grab our food and go sit. I see Jasper and you know who. Normally, I sit next to Henry but I decide to sit next to Charlotte. I start to eat my food.
Jasper: So... This is awkward.
Charlotte: Shut up Jasper.
Jasper: What? I'm just trying to make a conversation.
Charlotte: Well stop trying.
Henry: Y/n, please talk to me.
Me: ...
Henry: I'm really sorry.
Me: ...
Jasper: Awkward.
Charlotte: Jasper, if you don't shut it, so help me I'll break you.
Jasper: Okay, okay jeez girl, Shish.
Henry: Y/n please talk to me. I'm sorry.
Me: You know what guys? I've suddenly lost my appetite. Charlotte you coming?
Charlotte: When I'm done here I'll come meet you.

I get up and walk to my next class. I'm not just in the mood to talk to Henry right now. I just couldn't talk to him, I honestly didn't know what to say to him.

Jasper: Awkward.
Charlotte: OK that's it. I'm gonna...
Henry: Charlotte leave Jasper alone. It's not like he's the one at fault here. I caused this upon myself.
Charlotte: No it's not your fault. You guys are just going through  some misunderstandings which totally is normal in a relationship.
Henry: But she doesn't even wanna talk to me. She totally ignored me.
Jasper' Just give her time dude she'll come around.
Charlotte: That's actually the most reasonable thing you've said today.
Jasper: That's harsh.
Charlotte: Hey just like you said, just stating the obvious.
Jasper: OK guys lunch time's over let's head to class.

Sorry this is a bit boring, the next parts are going to be quite interesting. And thanks guys for 131 reads. I appreciate y'all.

Love you guys!!!

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