Chapter 3

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The next day at the man cave
Ray, Henry and  Jasper hanging out.

Ray: I'm hungry,  I want Chinese food. Jasper you want some?
Jasper: Sure.
Ray: Okay then what are you still doing here?
Jasper: What do you mean?
Ray: I mean you go get me some Chinese food.
Jasper: hey you didn't even ask Henry if he wants Chinese food.
Ray: Oh, must've forgot. Henry?
Henry: ...
Ray: Kid? Kid?
Henry: ...
Jasper: Hello? Earth to Henry?

Then, Charlotte comes in through the tubes.
Charlotte: Hey guys.
Ray and Jasper: hey Charlotte.
Charlotte: Hey what's up with him?
Ray: Oh Henry? That's what I should be asking you. We've been trying to get his attention but he's not responding.
Charlotte: OK I got this.

Charlotte, picks up one of Schwoz's magazines and slaps him with it. A/n: Just wanted to add a bit of humour and plus it wasn't that hard. It was just hard enough to snap him out of his thoughts.
Henry: Ouch! What is wrong with you?
Charlotte: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?
Henry: What?
Ray: Yeah, I've been calling your name but it was like you were in some kind of trance. But Charlotte, did you really have to slap him with the magazine?
Charlotte: What? You said he wasn't responding and at least he is now.
Ray: Whatever by the way you guys want Chinese food?
Henry and Charlotte: Sure.
Jasper: By the way Henry what were you thinking about?
Henry: Nothing.
Ray: Really Kid you're acting weird.
Henry: No I'm not, how are you sure you're not the ones acting weird?
Charlotte: I think I know what's going on here.
Ray: You do?
Charlotte: I think Henry's thinking about a girl.

Then everyone stares at Henry.
Jasper: Who is she Henry, do we know her?
Charlotte: As a matter of fact you do. Even you Ray. Remember that girl you two saved yesterday from those robbers?
Ray: Ooh, Henry's got himself a crush. No wonder you've been acting weird since that save.
Henry: Fine, I like her but I don't even know who she is and probably won't ever see her.
Ray: Dude, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
Charlotte: I agree, anything can happen maybe you'll end up meeting her again.
Henry: OK,  Cupids, anyway I'm hungry.
Ray: Oh yeah, Jasper go get our Chinese food.
Jasper: But...
Ray: No buts, just go.
Jasper: Why doesn't Charlotte have to go.
Charlotte: Duh, cause he asked you first.

Then Schwoz comes in.

Schwoz: Hey peoples.
Ray: Hey Schwoz.
Schwoz: I heard you guys say you wanna go get Chinese food I want some too.
Ray: Hey, Jasper include Schwoz too.
Jasper: Whatever.
Schwoz: Hey, aren't these my magazines? Who squished them?

Everyone points at Charlotte.

Charlotte: Thanks a lot guys.
Schwoz: Charlotte.
Charlotte: What? By the way get yourself better copies man.

Henry's pov
I just can't stop thinking about her. I don't know there's just something about her. I don't even know her name. Who knows maybe I'll meet her again. I'm looking forward to seeing her again.

Hope you guys like.


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