Chapter 7

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It's 6:30am, my alarm clock goes off. Ugh! I can't believe it's a Monday. The most terrible day of the week. But at least the weekend was pretty great, I got to hang out with Charlotte. I get out of bed, grab my things and head to the bathroom. After that, I get dressed and do my hair and makeup. Nothing too much. Just simple.

Afterwards, I head downstairs to go eat breakfast

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Afterwards, I head downstairs to go eat breakfast. Later on, Andy drives me to school. I arrive at school  only for me to see Henry with a girl. He's talking to her. Who's she and what is she doing with Henry? Wait a minute, Y/n,  what's going on with you? Don't tell me you're starting to fall for him. No, this can't be happening. But I can't help but feel a tad jealous. No, snap out of it. The next thing I know Henry sees me.

Henry: Y/n? Is that you?
Me: Oh... Hey Henry, funny seeing you here.
Henry: Yeah... We go to the same school.
Me: Yeah.
Henry: Anyways, this here is Bianca.
Me: Hi Bianca.
Bianca: Hi
Henry: And Bianca this is Y/n.
Bianca: Nice to meet you.

I gotta get out of here. I don't know why but I just can't be in the same room with Bianca and Henry. So, I make something up.

Me: Um, Henry, I have to go meet a teacher, talk to you later.
Henry: Um... Sure.

Oh, finally, I got outta there. What's going on with me? Y/n pull yourself together, you can't be jealous. Just keep calm.

I head to my first class which was History and luckily, Charlotte and I are in the same class. Y/n just try your best to ignore him. I hope he doesn't notice anything?

Henry's pov
I don't know, why but Y/n was acting weird earlier today. I wonder what's wrong. Hope she's okay. Anyway, I'll ask Charlotte later what's going on with Y/n.

Your pov
It's lunch time, Charlotte and I head to the cafeteria. We go sit with Jasper cause Me, Charlotte, Henry and Jasper normally sit together. We take our seats and some minutes later, Henry and Bianca come sit with us.

Henry: Hey guys.
All except Henry and Bianca: Hey.
Henry: Remember Bianca?
Jasper: Hey Bianca, long time no see.
Bianca: Hey Jasper, how've you been?
Jasper: Okay, I guess.
Charlotte: Wow,  hey Bianca, how was filming?
Bianca: Great.
Jasper: So why'd you come back?
Bianca: We finished shooting the second season of kids in the woods. So, I decided to come back here to Swellview to spend time with my family and you guys.
Jasper: See, look at you. You never changed a bit. As usual you're still the same nice family girl.
Bianca: Thanks dude.
Charlotte: Welcome back.
Bianca: Thanks so much.

I decided not to talk in order not to draw much attention so no one  would notice. Oh no, spoke too soon.
Henry: Hey Y/n, you've been quiet is anything wrong?
Me: No, nothing's wrong.
Charlotte: You sure?
Me: Yeah.

I had to lie myself out of that one again. Hope no one noticed. I see Bianca and Henry giggling and I don't know something just comes over me and I just get super jealous all of a sudden. I don't wanna feel this way.
Luckily after lunch we had like three more classes and school's closes for the day. Charlotte had to go to work with Henry which leaves me to go home at least she doesn't have to ask me about what happened earlier cause I can tell she's curious. What's going on? Could I like Henry. Why's this happening to me?

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