Chapter 11

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My alarm clock goes off, I wake up and realized that it's a Saturday. I'm still thinking about the date later today, I can't wait. I told Charlotte about it and she is so excited for me, I mean even Andy is and my parents too most especially my mom. Wow, my first date ever, I can't wait for later today. Andy and Charlotte are going to pick a dressed for me later today, I asked for their help, you know today being my first ever date. Man I can't wait.

Some hours later...

It's already 6:30 in the evening, so i have about two hours to get ready. I am so nervous. I hear someone knocking on my door. I go see who it is and it's Charlotte. I quickly let her in.

Charlotte: You ready for your makeover?
Me: Yeah and nervous too. Not about the makeover but the date.
Charlotte: Don't worry everything will be just fine.

Andy, Charlotte and I head to my room.  I take a seat and Andy does my makeup and after, Charlotte styles my hair. Afterwards, Andy takes out the dress, I put it on and this is what I look like.

 Afterwards, Andy takes out the dress, I put it on and this is what I look like

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Andy: You like?
Me: OMG! I... I love it thanks guys.
Andy & Charlotte: You're welcome.

Andy goes downstairs and it was only Charlotte and I left in my room.
Charlotte: You look beautiful.
Me: Thanks it's all thanks to you and Andy.
Charlotte: Anyways, I gotta go.
Me: Where to?
Charlotte: To work.
Me: So soon.
Charlotte: Yeah, see you later OK? And have fun on your date.
Me: Sure will bye.

Later at the Man cave...
Charlotte arrives and sees Henry in his tux.

Charlotte: Woah! Dude! You look so handsome

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Charlotte: Woah! Dude! You look so handsome.
Henry: Thanks Char. Ray and Jasper helped me to pick out the tux.
Charlotte: Well they did a Pretty good job. Y/n is gonna love it.

Ray comes in.
Ray: Hey Charlotte. Woah Henry you look great.
Henry: Well what can I say it's all thanks to you and Jasper.
Charlotte: Henry you better be going, you're running late for your date.
Henry: Yeah, you're right.

Henry's about to head to the tubes until, they all hear the crime alert. Charlotte checks it and turns out the Jandy bridge is about to collapse and people are in danger.
Henry: Oh no, why'd this have to happen now.
Ray: Hey don't worry about it, go, I'll handle it.
Henry: You sure Ray?
Ray: Thanks, go kid.
Henry: Thanks man.

Henry goes up the tube and he's gone.
Charlotte: You sure you can handle this Ray?
Ray: I hope so.
Charlotte: You hope so? That clearly means you can't handle this.
Ray: Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte, I'm Captain Man and I'm indestructible. So I don't think I can't I mean, I'm Captain Man and plus I don't wanna ruin Henry's date.
Charlotte: Fine you're right.  I hope this goes well.
Ray: Fine I'm heading out now.
Charlotte: Good luck, you're gonna need it.

OMG!!! Guys thanks for 97 reads. I really appreciate. Sorry I haven't updating. Let's just say I've been too lazy to write. Hope you liked this.


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