Author's Note

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OMG!!! I am so happy right now for this story. Thanks guys for making this possible, I honestly didn't think this book was that good that is until you guys proved me wrong.

You guys should check out my new book You fixed me. It's still a fanfic and Jace Norman is in it.  It's actually about Ricardo Hurtaldo but I've found a way for Jace to be in it and he plays a remarkable role in the book. So you guys should please check it out and tell me what you think. After this current book I'm writing I'll write another fanfic about Jace Norman and it'll be about him.   Trust me guys, you haven't heard the last of me.

And oh before I forget I know I haven't started the Jace Norman fanfic yet cause I'm still working on You fixed me but I need your help. I have some ideas of how the story will be but I'm open to your opinions too.  For starters.

1. What do you think the plot should be like?
2. Should I make it a Reader's book or not.
3. Who do you think should be in the book?
4. What should the book be called?

Okay guys, I'm open to your opinions and which ever idea I like the most I'll inform you and add you to the book.

P.S I'm open to drama too, I think it adds more suspense but no Smut. I think that's too intense for me.

Bye guys and love you💖💖💗

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