Chapter 22

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Your pov

I open my eyes and I see Henry sleeping on a chair beside me. I don't. I don't know where I am but I think I'm in a hospital. My head hurts and I still feel a little weak. I call Henry's name and he wakes up immediately.

Henry: Y/n, finally you're awake. I was so worried.
Me: Worried? Why would you be? Wait, how long have I been asleep?
Henry: About two days.
Me: Two days?
Henry: Yeah

Then, the doctor comes in.

Doctor: Miss Y/n, I see you're awake. How are you feeling?
Me: Good, but my head hurts and I feel a little weak.
Doctor: Well you had a huge knock on the head that should be the cause of your headache and for the weakness, your body just needs rest.
Henry: When will she be able to leave?
Doctor: Well, since she's shown improvement, I'd say latest tomorrow.
Henry: Thanks.
Doctor: You're welcome but you have to make sure she gets enough rest and takes her medicine okay?
Henry: Okay.
Me:. Thank you again Doc.
Doctor: You're welcome.

The doctor leaves and My parents, Andy, Charlotte, Jasper and Ray comes in.

Mom: Honey are you Okay?
Me: Yes mom, just a bit weak.
Dad: I'm so glad that you're okay.
Me: Me too dad.
Mom: Honey, please don't scare us again. Your father and I were worried.
Me: Don't worry mom.
Dad: Your Mom and I have to leave for work but we'll see you later okay?
Me: Okay.

After your parents leaves...

Charlotte: I am so glad you're okay Y/n. I was afraid of losing my best friend.
Me: Aww, that's so sweet, thanks.
Jasper: Y/n, I was also really worried but for Henry actually, cause he was really worried about you. But I was also worried too.
Me: Henry, really?
Henry: Yeah, I thought I'd lost you. I was really scared of losing the love of my life.
Me: Aww, Henry, you're so sweet.
Ray: Hey Y)n, I'm so happy you're okay. By the way when will you be allowed to leave the hospital.
Me: The doctor says tomorrow.
Henry: Okay guys, I think we should give Y/n some time to rest. The doctor gave her a sedative so, she must be tired.
Me: Yeah, I do feel a little sleepy.
Ray: Okay guys, let's leave.
Charlotte: See you tomorrow Y/n.
Me: Okay bye, bye guys.

You fall asleep.

Henry: Guys can I talk to you for a second?

They all walk out of the room.

Charlotte: Okay, what's up?
Henry: I wanna plan a welcome party for Y/n tomorrow. Before I drop her off at her house.
Jasper: Aww, that's so sweet and cool.
Ray: Of course dude. We're here for anything you need.
Everyone except Henry: Yeah.
Henry: Thanks guys, I really want to make this special.
Charlotte: You're welcome dude.

Henry's pov
I want to make tomorrow a special moment for Y/n and plus to make up for our date. I hope this goes well. I can't wait for tomorrow and I'm also kinda nervous too.

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