Chapter 16

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Your pov
After Henry leaves, Andy comes into my room.
Andy: Hey...You.
Me: Hey, Why'd you let him in.
Andy: Cause I knew he really wanted to talk.
Me: Well, turns out he didn't.
Andy: What do you mean?
Me: I asked him why he stood me up but he said he couldn't tell me.
Andy: Did you ask him why?
Me: I did but he told me the same thing.
Andy: Maybe he had a good reason.
Me: Okay, why are you being all defensive?
Andy: I am not being defensive. It's just I trust Henry and I know he wouldn't Just hurt you like that for no reason at all. I'm sure if he says he can't tell you, it's for a good reason.
Me: Let's hope you're right.
Andy: Trust me sis, I'm right.

The next day
At the Man Cave

Ray: Guys I've got something to say.
Charlotte, Jasper and Henry: What?
Ray: After much consideration, I agree.
Henry: To... What?
Ray: To you telling Y/n our secret.
Henry: Wait... Really?
Ray: Yeah and besides, I know you're not happy about Y/n being mad at you and I'm sure if you tell her she'll understand.
Charlotte: And plus, I convinced you remember?
Ray: Yeah, yeah.
Jasper: Great! So Henry ready to get your Girlfriend back?
Henry: Yeah... I can't believe it. Thanks Ray.
Ray: Yeah, yeah you're welcome kid.

Ray's pov
I hope I'm making the right decision cause I don't wanna put anyone's life at risk most especially Y/n. I hope this ends well and I didn't end up making a huge mistake.

Henry's pov
I can't believe Ray agreed to let me tell Y/n about us. I'm really excited. I don't know how I'm going to face her. Cause I know she probably hates me and thinks I'm a liar which is totally not true. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating lately been busy. Thanks guys for 195 reads. I know it's not as much as other people's stories but I really appreciate.  Thanks guys. So tell me what you guys think about the story below and remember, don't forget to vote.

Bye guys!!!

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