Chapter 15

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Your pov
I'm In my room still trying to relax and deal with my heart break. So, I decide to work on the song I'm writing ( I know it wasn't really written by you know? You but just go with it) At  least, something good came out from this heartbreak. I finally finished the song and found my inspiration. So, I turn the music on and start to sing. It's called lovely, I started writing it on the night I got stood up by Henry. But as I sing it, it keeps reminding me of him, Henry. I miss him. Suddenly, someone comes into my room, I turn the music off and see Henry.
Henry: This is beautiful, you wrote it?
Me: Yeah.
Henry: Finally, you talk to me.
Me: Who let you in anyway?
Henry: Your sister, Andy.
Me: Of course she did.
Henry: So, that song, is it about me? about us?
Me: ...
Henry: Again with the silent treatment? Please talk to me. I can't handle not hearing your voice.
Me: What do you want me to say. I want to start by asking you, where were you on that night?
Henry: At work.
Me: I don't believe you. I know you were doing something else.
Henry: What?
Me: Where were you?
Henry: I...I can't tell you.
Me: You can't tell me? Why?
Henry: Cause... I can't.
Me: Just go.
Henry: Y/n.
Me: Just go, since you can't even trust your own girlfriend  anymore. Just go.
Henry: Fine, I'll leave but this isn't over.

What could be so serious that he can't even share with his own girlfriend, I love him but I can't trust someone who keeps secrets.

Henry's pov
I just couldn't tell her cause I don't wanna put her life at risk. I love her too much. Now she thinks I am not being honest with her, which is totally true. I wish I could tell her but I just can't.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am really enjoying writing this story. Hope you liked the song? Tell me what you think.


Love you guys so much

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