Chapter 9

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Henry's pov
Today's the day I finally ask Y/n to be my girlfriend. I hope she says yes. Charlotte and I already have a plan. Luckily, today me, Charlotte and Y/n have the same free period. So I'll get the opportunity to talk to her then. I can't wait.

Your pov
Ugh! Another day of school. I can't believe I'm going to school today, especially if it means I'll watch Bianca and Henry make goo goo eyes at each other. Fine, I am jealous but I don't even think he likes me that way. I get ready and get dressed into this

I head downstairs to eat breakfast and it seems that no one's at home

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I head downstairs to eat breakfast and it seems that no one's at home. Great, just great my sister whose suppose to drive me to school is gone. I grab a granola bar cause I wasn't even hungry that much. I grab the keys to the house and left.

Later at school...
I finally arrive at school and u see Charlotte.
Charlotte: Hey Y/n.
Me: Hey.
Charlotte: So how goes it?
Me: Okay I guess but it could be better.
Charlotte: Trust me it will.
Me: What do our mean by that.
Charlotte: Nothing, just ignore what I said.
Me: Okay?
Charlotte: Come on, let's head to class or we'll be late.
Me: Sure.

Wonder why she's acting strange today. Anyway, I hope today isn't gonna be as bad as I think it will.

After three periods...

Finally! Charlotte and I have a free period so we decide to make a quick stop at my locker cause I have to drop some of my books in it.
We arrive and I put my books in my locker and grabbed my biology text book cause that what I'm having next.
Charlotte: Hey Y/n?
Me: Yeah?
Charlotte: I wanna go use the restroom how 'bout we meet later.
Me: Er... Sure.
She leaves and I the minute I close my locker, I see Henry. Why's he here?
Henry: Hey Y/n.
Me: Hi.
Henry: You okay?
Me: Yeah, yeah I'm okay. What makes you think I'm not?
Henry: Cause I feel like you've been ignoring me. Why?
Me: Nothing... I have to go.
I try to get away but he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.
Henry: Why are you trying to run away?
Me: I am not.
Henry: You haven't answered my question.
Me: What?
Henry: Why have you been avoiding me?
Me: Let go, don't you have a girlfriend to go to?
Henry: Girlfriend?
Me: Yeah.
Henry: I don't have a girlfriend.
Me: Wait you don't?
Henry: Yeah.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. You were all wrong. Of course he doesn't have a girlfriend.
Henry: Hello, you okay?
Me: Yeah.
Henry: Why would I have a girlfriend when I like someone else.
Me: Who?
Henry: You.
Me: Wait, me?
Henry: Yeah, I've liked you since the moment I met you.
Me: Really?
Henry: Yeah and it hurts to see the person I care about avoid me.
Aww, that was so cute.
Me: I like you too.
Henry: So, will you be my girlfriend?
Me: Yes I will.

We look into each other's eyes and we get caught up in the moment and kiss..
It feels so magical and beautiful too. Wow, my first boyfriend. Let's see how this goes.

This chapter was something. Wow thanks for the reads guys and because of you my story got ranked 73. I really appreciate you guys liking this book. There's gonna be some mystery in future chapters and obviously romance. Thanks again guys.

Love you all💖💗

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