Chapter 14

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At the Man Cave
Ray: Hey Charlotte, Jasper, Henry.
Charlotte Jasper and Henry: Hey Ray.
Ray: Henry, she still doesn't wanna talk to you?
Henry: Yeah, it would've been okay if she yelled at me or something but no, she doesn't even say a word. She just gives me the silent treatment.
Ray: You miss her don't you.
Henry: Yeah, a lot. I can tell she probably hates me.
Ray: Ugh! This is all my fault, I wish I knew how to fix everything. I would do anything.
Charlotte: OK guys, I think it's pretty clear what Ray has to do.
Everyone except Charlotte: What?
Charlotte: Ray you're not gonna like this.
Ray: What is it?
Charlotte: You have to let Henry tell Y/n his Kid Danger.
Ray: What! You can't be serious, no.
Charlotte: I told you, you weren't gonna like this.
Jasper: I kinda agree with Charlotte on this one. Ray you have to let Henry tell her. I mean she's a trustworthy person.
Ray: Well, how do you know that, I mean it would put all of us including her at risk and u don't think Henry would want to put Y/n at risk.
Charlotte and Jasper: But Ray...
Henry: He's right.
Charlotte and Jasper: What?
Henry: Yeah, I don't wanna put her life at risk. I'm willing to bear her hating me and still know she's safe.
Charlotte: Henry, I thought...
Henry: I'm going home guys I'll see you guys tomorrow okay?

Henry grabs his backpack and leaves.

Charlotte: Ray you are being so unreadable.
Jasper: Yeah, totally unreasonable.
Ray: What? I am doing this for the benefit of everyone including Henry.
Charlotte: Sure you are.
Ray: Charlotte, I know you're mad but trust me, it's better our secret stays a secret.
Charlotte: Yeah, yeah but I am totally against this cause Henry might say he's okay but it's obvious he's not and I know you see that. I am begging you Ray think about Henry. How he feels. You know what? I'm leaving, good day sir.
Jasper: Yeah, what she said, we'll see tomorrow.
Ray: it for the best.
Charlotte: Whatever.

Ray's pov

Is Charlotte right? Should I let Henry tell Y/n our secret? No Ray, this can't happen or I'll end up putting everyone's lives at risk including Y/n. This is for the best.

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