Chapter 17

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Hey guys!!! Sorry for not updating early, been so busy with school which has been making me feel so tired. Anyway, I'm back now and ready to write. I'll try my best to be updating. Thanks for the reads really appreciate. OK, here's the next chapter.

Henry's pov
Today's the day I finally tell Y/n that I'm Kid Danger and Ray's Captain Man. I don't know if she'll believe me but I'm bound to get caught up in the moment and do something anyway. But still, I hope she believes me and I won't blame her if she doesn't cause I really  haven't been honest with her.

Your pov
I'm in my room listening to music, still trying to drown my sorrows but i just can't help but think about him. I am angry with him but I really do miss him so much. I wish he'd just tell me what's going on. What's he hiding from me? Hope it's not another girl. Suddenly, I get interrupted by a knock on my door.

Me: Come in!

The next thing I know, Henry walks in. What's he doing here now?

Henry: Y/n we need to talk
Me: There's nothing to talk about, you already said what you had to say yesterday.
Henry: Y/n, this time please listen to me.
Me: Well, I don't want to. We have absolutely nothing to talk about.
Henry: So you don't want to talk to me?
Me: Yes.
Henry: Then, look me in the eye and say it, say you want absolutely nothing to do with me.

Why'd he have to say that, I do want him in my life but he's keeping secrets from me and I don't know what to do.

Henry: Y)n?
Me: ...
Henry: That's what I thought, I'm sorry but you leave me no choice.

The next thing I know, Henry grabs me over his shoulder and carries me downstairs, I try to escape his grip but to no avail, I couldn't. Andy was in the kitchen so I call out her name and she comes out from the kitchen.

Andy: what's going on.
Me: Well, this maniac doesn't want to let me go.
Henry: Andy, you know I'm a good guy and I would never try and hurt Y/n, so please give me a chance to talk to her.
Me: Andy, don't listen to him, please help he's nothing but a liar.
Henry: Andy... Please.
Andy: Henry... Take care of my sister.
Me: What! Are you crazy?
Andy: Trust me sis, it's for the best.
Henry: Thanks.

Henry takes me out the door and he forces me into a taxi.

Me: Henry, let go of me!
Henry: No way, not until you listen to what I have to say.
Taxi driver: I'm sorry, is this a kidnap? Cause I don't wanna get into trouble with the cops.
Henry: Absolutely not.
Me: Yes, he's trying to kidnap me. Please call the police. This is an attempted kidnap.
Taxi Driver: I think you two should come down, I don't want to get into trouble.
Henry: Trust me, it's not a kidnap, you see she's just crazy.
Me: Crazy? Well I'm not...
Henry covers my mouth with his hand stopping me from talking.

Henry: Just keep driving sir.

Some minutes later...
Henry's pov

Y/n and I finally get to Junk -N- Stuff. We head out and I pay the Taxi driver. I'm still holding Y/n on my shoulder.

Y/n: Henry let go of me.
Henry: Why do you have to be so stubborn?
Y/n: Stubborn? Why did you tell the taxi driver that I was a crazy person.
Henry: Well, for starters I had no other choice and plus you were acting like a crazy person, screaming like that.
Y/n: Just let me go, please.
Henry: No, not until you listen to what I have to say.
Y/n: Fine but at least put me down.
Henry: You promise not to run away?
Y/n: Yes.

I put her down and she attempts to run away. Not surprised. I grab her by her hand and carry her on my shoulder again.

Me: Lemme go! Now!
Henry: Fiesty one, aren't you? Did you really have to try and run away?
Me: Henry, let me go!
Henry: No and if it'll mean, I'll have to carry you all day I will.
Me: Ugh! What are we even doing here at Junk -N- Stuff.
Henry: You'll see.
Me: Again with all the secrets?
Henry: You'll find out soon just trust me.
Me: Whatever, trust a liar and oh a kidnapper? Sure, I'll trust you.
Henry: You don't have to be mean.
Me: Whatever.

Hope you liked this, next part's coming soon. If you're enjoying the story, kindly vote or write a comment below or you could even ask questions.


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