Chapter 19

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Your Pov

It's been like a week since Henry and I made up. I really love him he keeps on giving me a reason to everyday. It's another school day. My alarm clock goes off and I get up, head to the bathroom, afterwards, I get dressed into this,

 My alarm clock goes off and I get up, head to the bathroom, afterwards, I get dressed into this,

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I wear this with light make up and wear my hair in a messy bun. I eat breakfast and Andy drives me to school. I go in and see Charlotte.

Charlotte: Morning you.
Me: Morning, how goes it?
Charlotte: It goes well but I know someone's happier than I am.
Me: Who?
Charlotte: You, silly.

Then, I start to blush.

Me: Well...

Then Henry walks up to us.

Henry: Hey, Char, hey beautiful.
Me: Hey.
He pecks me on the lips.
Henry: Is it just me or do you look more beautiful everyday.
Me: Oh stop.
Henry: Stop what?
Charlotte: Okay, dude you're getting too cute.
Henry: What? I'm just admiring my beautiful Girlfriend.

Then Jasper walks in..
Jasper: Hey guys.
Everyone except Jasper: Hey Jasper.
Jasper: I can see the love birds. There's love in the air people.
Henry: Oh, shut up.
Charlotte: Leave him alone, it's so obvious you guys are in love.

Next thing I know Henry and I start to look into each other's eyes.

Charlotte: Okay, guys quit making goo goo eyes at each other or we'll be late for class.

Jasper: Yeah, you're right.

We head to class, Henry and I hold hands and look into each other's eyes, then we start to walk to class.

After School...

Henry, Charlotte, Jasper and I head outside of school.

Jasper: Finally! School's over.
Charlotte: But you do know we're coming back here tomorrow right?
Jasper: Why'd you have to remind me?
Charlotte: What someone had to.
Jasper: Whatever.
Charlotte: By the way Henry, Ray texted me a while back, he says he wants to see you.
Henry: But I was planning on walking Y/n home today.
Me: Hey don't worry, you can go.
Henry: But...
Me: Just go, there are other people who need you.
Charlotte: You coming dude?
Henry: Yeah, take care of yourself . I'll come see you later okay?
Me: Okay.

He kisses me on the cheek and waves. So he, Charlotte and Jasper are gone, which leaves me to walk home by myself. Anyway, Henry says he's going to meet me later. So, oh well.

I start to walk home. I stop at a traffic sign cause a car was passing. Then an old woman calls my attention.

Old woman: Could you please help an elderly lady cross the street?
Me: Of course i will.

I help her cross the street. Then, before I know it, someone hits my head from behind and everything goes black.

Some minutes before later.

I wake up in some what seems to be an abandoned building. Then, some weirdo walks up to me.

Weirdo: How are you Y/n?
Me: Who are you and how do you know my name?
Weirdo: Believe me, I know a lot about you.
Me: What do you want?
Weirdo: Oh you'll find out soon.(maniacal laughter)

Can you guess who it is? Told you there'd be mystery.

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