KOTLC Reacts: Oranges

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KOTLC Reacts: Oranges

Sophie: Oranges? Are you running out of ideas?

Saph: ...no comment. Here, everyone gets an orange. *passes out oranges from her magical bag*

Keefe: Why?

Saph: So you can react to it. Duh.

Keefe: Oh.

Tam: Do they come in black?

Saph: No, Tam, they're called oranges, because they're orange.

Sophie: Actually, I think the fruit came before the color.

Keefe: Look at Foster, knowing all the stuff.

Fitz: *snorts* If Dex had said that, you would have called him a nerd.

Keefe: He is a nerd.

Sophie: A nerd is a human concept, how do you even know about that?

Dex: You're welcome.

Biana: I caught them watching this weird video. It was on something called 'MeTube'?

Sophie: Oh, YouTube.

Fitz: I think I saw that when I was searching for Sophie. It's really weird.

Tam: So, just like Keefe then.


Linh: What?

Sophie: *exchanges a look with Saph* Uh oh.

Saph: This is not good.

Linh: I don't get it.

Biana: Yeah, me neither.

Sophie: Nothing. Never mind.

Dex: It's really popular with humans.

Saph: Sorta. It's kinda fading. But not really.

Biana: Cause that made sense.

Saph: React to the oranges! Everyone take a bite.

Everyone except Sophie: *tries to bite it like an apple*

Tam: Not a fan. It's like, bitter.

Fitz: I remember these being sweeter.

Keefe: Bleh.

Saph: Whoops.

Sophie: You totally did that on purpose.

Sapphira: No idea what you're talking about. Guys, you have to take off the skin and eat the stuff under it.

Everyone except Sophie: Ooooohhhhhhhh...

*After several attempts and lots of help from Saph and Sophie*

Fitz: Hey, these are actually good.

Keefe: Yeah, they're not bleh anymore.

Dex: They're sweet, but tangy. It's good.

Tam: Nope. Too sweet.

Keefe: Everything's too sweet for you.

Tam: Not true. *sneaks a look at Biana*

Saph: *high pitched squealing that she would never make in public, starts jumping up and down*

Linh: Aaww

Tam: *warningly* Not a word.

Biana: I have no idea why you don't like them. They're kinda like you...except, sweeter.

Tam: *sarcastically* Gee, thanks.

Saph: *dies from Bam cuteness*

Sophie: *watching Saph roll around on the floor, laughing hysterically* Ooooookay. I don't think Elwin's going to be very happy.

Fitz: We should have him on speed dial.

Dex: I thought we did have him on speed dial.

Linh: Should we end this now?

Sophie: Probably. Okay, say goodbye!



Sophie: Someone call Elwin.


Yeah, so I ship Tiana if you couldn't tell. But let me know which you like better, Diana or Tiana.

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