KOTLC Reacts: Memes

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KOTLC Reacts: Memes

Keefe: Foster, what are memes?

Sophie: *looks at Saph* What did I do to deserve this.

Saph: Well let's see. *pulls out a very long list* *takes a deep breath*

Fitz: Don't even think about it.

Saph: *pouts* *puts away the list* Okay fine. Anyway, Keefe, memes are...funny...things.

Tam: Well that was a great explanation. *ducks a swipe from Linh*

Linh: My brother apologizes for his saltiness.

Sophie: .......No......


Linh: ...I don't understand.

Biana and Dex and Keefe: It's a YouTube thing.

Saph: Not just a YouTube thing. *looks up KOTLC memes online*


Keefe: *dies laughing when he sees all the text conversations*

Tam: *at every meme about him punching Keefe in the face* These people know me so well...it's actually kinda creepy...is this legal?

Biana: *sees ones about Keefe* *blushes, but manages to hide it*

Sophie: *blushes at every Sophitz and Sokeefe meme*

Dex: *throws up at every Sophitz and Sokeefe meme*

Linh: *sees a curse word and just leaves because she is too innocent*

Fitz: *grins at absolutely everything*

Saph: So there you have it. Memes.

Tam: Why are there a bunch of pictures of saltshakers with my face on them?

Saph: Ha-ha funny story...

Linh: People are so dirty sometimes. *starts to wash her hands even though she saw, like, one curse word*

Dex: You know what I saw? I saw a bunch of Dex Dizznee appreciation!!! Where was that from you, Shannon Messenger?!?!?!?!

Biana: Aw, don't worry, we appreciate you. *gives Dex a hug*

Tam: *gets jealous*

Sophie: Yeah, you're one of the most important members of the team.

Keefe: Hey! Where's the Keefe Sencen appreciation?

Saph: It's in the trash can. If you hurry, you can still get it before it gets rotten and stuff.

Keefe: Oo, really? *dives into the trash can that magically appeared there*

Tam: Oh my gosh, he actually did it. *high-fives Saph* You're my new best friend.

Linh: *sighs* I want Dex as a brother instead.

Fitz: You realize if he's your brother you can't date him, right?

Linh: *turns red* Never mind.

Saph: Guys! Memes! Now!

Keefe: *back from the trash can* I love 'em! They're amazing, and so, so, SO TRUE!!

Biana: I really like them too.

Tam: Meh. They're weird.

Keefe: Just like your face!!!!!

Everyone: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tam: I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots. Except for Biana. And Linh, I guess. Most of the time.

Linh: Most of the time?!?! *sprays Tam with water*

Dex: I liked them. They were a great way to show appreciation for people, like me!!!

Sophie: I liked memes when I lived here. They helped ease the stress of being a Telepath sometimes.

Linh: *shudders* But they can be so...um, non-fifteen-year-old friendly.

Fitz: Yeah, they're funny, but they can be weird and inappropriate. I agree with everyone.

Keefe: Of course you do.

Saph: Well, I'm trying to wrap this up before my computer time runs out so say goodbye everyone!!!


Saph: See you next time on KOTLC Reacts!


I actually typed the last exclamation point and then my time ran out, so yay me!! :) :) Also, when I wrote this, I was the hardest-core Dinh shipper ever, but now Lylie is my goal

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