KOTLC Reacts: Fallout Boy

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KOTLC Reacts: Fallout Boy

Keefe: Who's that?

Saph: You literally asked that just yesterday.

Keefe: You never answered me.

Saph: Okay, fair enough.

Sophie: I think I've heard of them. Aren't they a rock band?

Tam: What's a rock band?

Saph: *grinning* Oh, you're going to love this. I'm gonna play you guys three songs. First one is called Light 'Em Up.


Tam: *jams along in his own little world*


Linh: *feeling his forehead* Who are you and what have you done with my brother?

Keefe: I loved that. All the shouting and the music...we need some of that in the Lost Cities.

Linh: You guys are so similar it's amazing.

Biana: Maybe you and Tam can start a rock band together.

Tam and Keefe: No way.

Fitz: I didn't like it. Too loud.

Sophie: Yeah, it's not my kind of music.

Linh: Same. Too loud. To much screaming.

Tam: You have to admit though, it's better than what Mom makes.

Linh: No comment.

Dex: I don't know. It was okay.

Saph: Next song! Alone Together!


Keefe: I actually like this one better than the other one.

Tam: Meh. This one was good. I liked Light 'Em Up more though.

Linh: It was better than the first one. Quieter.

Sophie: I actually really like this song.

Fitz: Yeah, it's okay.

Dex: I don't think Fallout Boy is my kind of band.

Biana: Do you even have a kind of band?

Dex: Probably.

Saph: He would probably like techno stuff.

Biana: *shrugs* Well, I liked it. The lyrics kind of remind me of someone.

Tam: Who?

Biana: You.

Tam: *ears turning pink* I'm trying to determine whether that's a good thing or not.

Keefe: Aaaawww, look at them. Aren't they adorable?

Linh: *nodding* They are.

Tam: Shut up, everyone.

Saph: Ooooooookay, time for the next song! It's called, The Kids Aren't Alright.


Sophie: This kinda describes my life.

Keefe: Yeah, it's like it was made for us.

Fitz: *nods* This is my favorite one by far.

Biana: I agree with Keefe and Sophie. It reminds me of us.

Linh: So I guess what it's trying to say, even when you're down, you have to keep trying, no matter how many people stand in your way.

Dex: I agree.

Saph: *small pause* Weeeeeeellll, that got way more deep than I thought it would.

Tam: Which is kinda your fault.

Saph: Yeah, I know. So, what did everyone think about Fallout Boy?

Keefe: Loved it.

Linh: Except for a couple songs, not a fan.

Biana: I kinda liked it, surprisingly. It was really good music, even if it did get loud sometimes.

Dex: It was okay. I'm not really passionate either way.

Tam: IT...WAS...AWESOME!!!!

Linh: I don't think he's okay. Should we call Elwin?

Sophie: I think he's fine.

Tam: *starts to play air guitar*

Keefe: *plays air drums behind him, making little booms and cymbal noises*

Fitz: Or, maybe not.

Biana: I am seriously worried about them right now.

Saph: Okay, I think this wraps this one up. Say bye, and then we'll go listen to a Fallout Boy concert!

Everyone but Keefe and Tam: *groans*

Keefe and Tam: OH YEAH!

Saph: Yeah, yeah. Say bye!



I used to be a hardcore Fallout Boy fan, and I still like their songs. Some of them make no sense though. I went on a full-on raid of amazon music for all the Fallout Boy songs I could find during my "phase", so now there's a bunch of songs on my playlist that I've kinda forgotten about.

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