KOTLC Reacts: We Have A Guest Star! (but not as much of a star as me)

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KOTLC React: part 2: We have a guest star! (but not as much of a star as me)

Keefe: Foster, who is that?

Sophie: I love how you assume I know who everyone is.

Saph: Everyone, this is Lauren, my friend.

Dex: You're Saph's friend?

Keefe: *goes up to Lauren* *pats her shoulder* You have my deepest condolences.

Fitz: How desperate were you?

Lauren: I was new, so pretty desperate.

Tam: *nods* That's obvious.

Linh: *swats his arm* Tam!

Saph: Thank you, Linh. *looks at Lauren* What are you doing here?

Lauren: *swings a small key* Soorry, but I don't hug you because I'm nice.

Saph: *stares at Lauren* You're fired.

Lauren: Um, I don't have a job here.

Saph: Well, congrats, you're hired. Now you're fired.

Lauren: You know what, I think I saw some Nerds in the hallway...

Saph: Really? Where? *goes into the hallway like an idiot looking for Nerds*

Lauren: *slams the door and locks it* GO, GO, GO!

Fitz: *raises his hand* Uh, where are we going?

Saph: *from out in the hallway* I don't see any Nerds.

Biana: How do you deal with her?

Lauren: Through my incredible patience and supportive people skills.

Saph: Ha! Liar!

Lauren: And I feel bad for her.

Everyone: *nods* Understandable.

Saph: I heard that!

Lauren: Ok, I'm being nice for once and getting you guys out of here.

Sophie: Uh, for once?

Lauren: Yeah, I don't like it much. Sophie, cause your amazing, you go first.

Tam: Why are you rescuing us?

Lauren: There is no time for your trust issues, now GO!

Keefe: You still haven't told us where we're going.

Lauren: Through that door. *points to random door that appeared because reasons* Now, come on, Keefee!

Keefe: My name's Keefe.

Biana: Yeah, Keefee, come on. *follows Sophie through the door*

Everyone else: *follows*

Saph: *gets in the room because she is magical this way*

Lauren: *jumps in the door and locks it behind her*

Saph: Rude!

Saph: Well, jokes on you! I'll just do these with the Heroes of Olympus then!

Saph: *snaps her fingers* *Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Coach Hedge, Nico and Will appear*

Percy: Uh, where are we?

Annabeth: Leo, what did you do?

Leo: Me? What makes you think I did this?

Frank: Cause you do things, with weird technology that usually explodes. Right next to my cabin.

Nico: Well, I know I didn't do this.

Jason: Where's Piper? *sees Percy* Oh, hey bro.

Percy: Hey bro.

Annabeth: Guys. Focus.

Reyna: We're in some kind of room.

Leo: *in over the top sarcasm* Really? I NEVER WOULD'VE GUESSED!

Reyna: *death glares at Leo*

Hazel: Leo, chill.

Will: Please.

Frank: Uh, so how do we get out of here?

Saph: You don't.

Everyone: *screams and jumps*

Leo: *starts throwing random fireballs everywhere*

Nico: *draws his sword and nearly decapitates everyone within five feet of him*

Coach Hedge: *waves his baseball bat and starts smashing things, yelling "DIE, CREEPY INVISIBLE CUPCAKE!!"*

Jason: *jumps and accidentally shocks Percy*

Percy: *tries to draw Riptide, but remembers he doesn't have it because he was on a date*

Annabeth: *puts on her Yankees cap because I can't think of anything else*

Frank: *turns into a giant koi*

Hazel: *summons a bunch of silver and gold that start whacking people in the head randomly*

Will: *takes out this random syringe that he happened to have cause he's weird*

Reyna: *draws her sword*

Saph: Ok, you know what, maybe not. Anyway, I'll get Sophie and crew back, officially fire Lauren and deal with the paperwork. BBBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!

Nico: I am so confused.

Leo: Join the club


So, the funny thing about Lauren (which is not her real name) is that she's not Canadian, but she says sorry with a Canadian accent. So I tried. Sorry if there's any Canadians reading this and that offended you. But yeah, she's the person that (sorta) got me into KOTLC in the first place, so you can blame her for all this ;)

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