KOTLC Reacts: Manifesting Stories part 3

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So, again, not very funny but I like this idea so whatever.

Saph: AND WE'RE BACK!!!!! Linh, you're up!!!! Wow us!!

Linh: Umm....how do I do that?

Saph: *points to the TV* Push that button.

Linh: *pushes the button*

Tam: *grinning* This is gonna be great.

Linh: Tam! It was embarrassing!

Tam: Yeah, but you're over it now, so I get to laugh about it.

Linh: *sighs*

Keefe: Finally, time for someone else to be embarrassed.

Tam: Oh, don't worry Keefe. Yours will always be number one. 

Keefe: *mutters* That's because you didn't have to live it.

Biana: Personally, I'm kinda ready for this to all be over.

Tam: You're ready for this to be over? At least you've already gone! And you didn't have to suffer through Full Movie Mode or whatever.

Saph: Exactly, now let's get to it. I wanna see this.

Everyone: *settles in*

Saph: Alright, let's go! *unpauses the video*


Tam: *leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.* Just go talk to him.

Linh: *pacing in front of him* Are you crazy?? I can't do that!

Tam: Why not? It's just a guy.

Linh: A guy I like!

Tam: *rolls his eyes* So? Unless he's an alien, you have no excuse.

Linh: Oh, like you've never liked anyone?

Tam: *looks away* *blushing slightly* I haven't, actually. But this is not about me. This is about you, and the fact that you can't talk to some random guy--

Linh: He's not random, Tam!

Tam: *raises his hands in surrender* Fine, whatever. But if you don't talk to him, I will. For my own sake.

Linh: *threateningly* Don't you dare.

Tam: *smirking* You gonna stop me?

Linh: *opens her mouth to answer* *pauses and blinks in surprise*

Tam: *slightly concerned* Linh? You okay?

Linh: *shakes her head* Yeah, I'm fine.

Tam: *sighs* Look. If you go over there and talk to him, I'll give you two Prattles.

Linh: *looks unsure about that*

Tam: Three?

Linh: *sighs* Fine. Here goes nothing. *hesitated, and walks over to where her crush is standing* Uh....hi.

Crush: *turns around and smiles* Hey, Linh.

Linh: *inside* Omg omg he knows my name.

Linh: *outside* *clears her throat* Yeah, um....listen are you free later today?

Crush: *thinks for a second* I should be. You wanna hang out or something?

Linh: *blushing* Yeah.

Crush: *shrugs* Sure. Where do you wanna go?

Linh: *shrugs* I don't know. Let me talk to my brother.

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