KOTLC Reacts: Christmas Trees

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Yes, i know. It's past Christmas. BUT WHATEVER

KOTLC Reacts: Christmas trees

Keefe: Foster, why is there a tree in here?

Sophie: What makes you think I know?

Keefe: I don't know, cause you know about all these...human...things.

Sophie: I'm pretty sure that's a Christmas Tree.

Fitz: What's that?

Tam: It's a tree. *gestures dramatically over to the tree* It's in the name.

Linh: *swats his arm* Don't be so rude.

Tam: I'm not. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

Dex: Okay, so this is the part where Saph jumps in and explains whatever dangerous or embarrassing thing we are supposed to react to next.

Everyone: *waits*

Biana: So where is she?

Sophie: Well, I'm guessing we're reacting to the giant pine tree in the middle of the room. How she even got that in here I have no idea.

Saph: *dressed in a giant Santa costume with a beard and glasses* MMMMMMMAAAAAAAGIC!!!!!!!!!

Everyone but Sophie: *Screams and scrambles back*

Keefe: What are you wearing?!?!?!?

Tam: And why are you suddenly so fat?

Linh: Tam!

Tam: What? It's true!

Dex: Why are you wearing glasses?

Fitz: Okay, why has no one asked about the beard yet? That's the worst part!

Sophie: Relax. It's just Santa Claus.

Keefe: *high pitched voice* CLAWS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Sophie: *trying not to laugh* It's a legend told to little kids. This guy named Santa comes in your house on Christmas Eve and if you've been good then he leaves you presents. He also watches you the whole year to see if you've been good or bad.

Everyone except Saph: *mouths hanging open*

Fitz: Humans let some random guy in their house at night?

Dex: And we thought the Elvin world was messed up.

Biana: Why would they do that? Can't you just buy presents yourself?

Sophie: Santa's not actually real. The parents just tell their kids he is and put the presents under the tree themselves.

Linh: When do kids learn he's fake?

Saph: It depends. I didn't really know for sure until I was twelve or thirteen. It all depends how much you believe in magic.

Tam: Soooooo, parents lie to their kids for most of their childhood.

Saph: Pretty much. And that's not even counting things like the Easter Bunny.

Fitz: I really don't want to know what that is.

Keefe: I do!

Sophie: It's a giant bunny that comes in your house at night on Easter and hides dyed eggs for you to find and leaves candy and stuff.

Everyone: *silence*

Tam: So, let me get this straight. Parents lie to their kids and tell them that random people or animals are stalking them and coming into their houses at night to leave presents.


Tam: Right, just checking.

*more crickets*

Dex: Where are those coming from?

Saph: *wrestling with a new iPhone she just got because she can dream* Sorry. That's me. I can't turn them off.

Sophie: Anyway...

Saph: *finally managed to turn off the crickets* Okay, so I've got a special surprise for you guys.

Everyone: Uh oh.

Saph: Ha-ha. No, I'm serious. My favorite part of Christmas is decorating the tree and drinking hot chocolate. So... *pulls a box of ornaments out of her magic bag and several mugs of hot chocolate that somehow managed not to spill* Everyone, grab a mug!


Keefe: *accidentally electrocutes himself trying to put up the lights*

Tam: *gives himself a stomach-ache laughing at Keefe*

Sophie: *the only person that actually knows what to do*

Biana: *sprays hot chocolate out of her mouth all over Fitz when she realizes that it's hot*

Fitz: *gets all smooth with Sophie and helps her hang up her ornaments*

Dex: *manages to make the lights flash different colors*

Linh: *levitates her hot chocolate and dumps it on Tam's head because he was annoying her*

Saph: *helps put up the tree topper then sits there laughing as everyone either epically fails or just fails in general*

Sophie: That was a lot more fun than I remember it being.

Tam: Probably because Fitz kept trying to make moves on you.

Sophie: *turns bright red*

Fitz: *turns even brighter red, if that's possible*

Linh: Tam, stop it. Don't make me soak you again.

Tam: You have nothing left.

Linh: *levitates the chocolate out of Biana's mug and dumps it over Tam's head again*

Keefe: Notice how she took it out of Biana's mug...

Tam: *walks over and pours the rest of Sophie's hot chocolate over Keefe's head* Notice how I used Sophie's mug...

Saph: Okay, I think this has gone on long enough. Everyone, say goodbye!


Saph: And Merry Late Christmas!

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