KOTLC Reacts: Cafeteria Food

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KOTLC Reacts: School Cafeteria food

Sophie: *groans* Why?

Saph: Cause I'm having a bad day.

Sophie: You shouldn't take that out on us!

Saph: Too bad.

Keefe: Oh hey, food. Why are we reacting to food?

Tam: I have a very bad feeling about this.

Linh: You have a bad feeling about everything.

Tam: Yeah, and most of the time, I'm right. *glares at Keefe*

Keefe: I thought we were over this! I did what I had to!

Sophie: We are over this. *glares at Tam*

Dex: Anyway, if it's human food it's probably full of chemicals.

Saph: Oh, don't worry. You will all get your fair share of chemicals today. And preservatives.

Biana: *sarcastically* Lovely.

Linh: *turning a bit green* I'm not sure I want to do this.

Tam: *takes a step away from Linh* If you're going to throw up, do it on Saph.

Saph: Hey!

Sophie: Let's just get this over with.

Saph: *snaps her fingers and transports them to a middle school cafeteria*

Dex: *shakes his head* I have officially given up on wondering how this is possible.

Saph: *whispers* Maaaggiiicccc...

Fitz: This looks a lot like our cafeteria at Foxfire.

Biana: Let's hope the food is just as good.

Linh: *still looks nauseas* Yeah, let's hope.

Saph: Okay everyone, I'm going to give you one thing to try, and you have to do it, no matter how disgusting it looks...or is.

Biana: Wonderful. How disgusting is it going to look?

Saph: I guess you'll find out. Now, REACT!

Sophie: *looking down at her pizza that magically appeared in front of her* This isn't so bad. I've had these before actually.

Fitz: *pokes his quesadilla* I dunno. This looks...interesting.

Keefe: These look kinda good. What are they?

Saph: If I told you they were fish sticks would you eat them?

Keefe: Absolutely not.

Saph: In that case, they are definitely not fish sticks.

Tam: Why does mine look like someone threw up in a plastic bowl?

Saph: Oh, that's supposed to be stuffing.

Keefe: *snorts* Emphasis on supposed to be.

Linh: Uh oh. *turns green as she looks at her hot dog* I got meat.

Tam: *scoots away from her* That's not good. Linh, keep it together.

Biana: So did I. *pushes her burger away*

Saph: If it helps, I don't think it's really meat.

Fitz: Then, uh, what is it?

Saph: I'm not really sure.

Dex: That's disgusting. Probably a bunch of chemicals. But hey, I got a cookie.

Everyone else: WHAT?!?!? *glares at Saph*

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