KOTLC Reacts: My Gender Fluidity

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Keefe: Your what?

Sophie: Wait, that's a thing??

Saph: It is indeed!! Welcome to a new segment I like to call--*throws confetti*--Coming Out With Saph!!!

Dex: Yay?

Saph: Yay indeed. 

Linh: Sounds interesting. 

Tam: Sooooo...how does this work, exactly?

Saph: Oh, it'll be fun. *claps hands* CIRCLE TIME!!

Biana: *sits elegantly on the ground* We haven't done circle time in a while. 

Fitz: *sits as well* Yeah, when was the last one?

Saph: No idea, but I'm too lazy to check. 

Dex: *crosslegged* Fair. 

Keefe: *plops down beside him* *runs his hands across the orange rug* Ooooooo, this is really soft...

Linh: *also running her hands through it* It feels like a hug...

Tam: Pretty sure you've never been hugged by a rug, Linh.

Linh: That's what you think.

Biana: *pats the top of Keefe's head* *rubs the rug* It's softer than Keefe's hair. 

Keefe: *aghast* iT iS nOT!!!!!!

Biana: Tam, come here. 

Tam: Umm...

Biana: Linh, feel Tam's hair. 

Linh: *grinning* No problem.

Tam: *leaning back* Wait a second, there are some consent laws being broken here--

Linh: *rubs Tam's head* *rubs the rug* You know, it's hard to tell. 

Keefe: *points at Linh* Now that is some BIAS!!! 

Saph: I really don't know how we got here, but I'm kinda vibing with it, honestly.

Sophie: Can we circle back to the whole gender being fluid thing??? Becaaaaaaause...

Saph: Oh yeah, there was a purpose to this whole thing, wasn't there.

Dex: There usually is. 

Saph: *raises eyebrows at Dex* You know, you've gotten a lot saltier now. Is it because Tam was gone. 

Tam: *throws his hands up* I was gone for like a month!!!

Sophie: aHEM.

Saph: Right. Point. Okay, let's get the boring part of the way: who doesn't know what being gender fluid means?

Literally everyone: *raises hands* Because shannon sucks at rep hahahahahahahah

Saph: Figured as much. Okay, here we go! *more confetti*

Linh: *picks some up and puts it on Tam's head*

Tam: *brushes it off*

Saph: So basically, being gender fluid is kinda what it sounds like: my gender changes a bunch. Pretty much every day. 

Dex: ....Wow. 

Tam: That sounds exhausting. I can barely think in the morning, much less figure out my entire identity. I don't even feel like a person until at least ten-thirty. 

Linh: It's true. He ran into the counter the other morning. 

Biana: *starts laughing* He what?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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