KOTLC Reacts: Slime

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KOTLC Reacts: Slime

Biana: I'll pass.

Fitz: Oh come on. Stop being such a girly girl.

Keefe: Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. I love slime! Especially if it's brightly colored. *turns to Saph* Is it brightly colored?

Saph: Oh, you have no idea.

Sophie: *sighs* This is gonna be messy, isn't it?

Saph: Most likely.

Linh: Well, I hope it's worth it.

Tam: I doubt it will be.

Linh: Can you at least try to be positive.

Tam: Trust me, you don't want that.

Dex: So, is slime something you make?

Saph: You can make it, yeah. And because I'm evil and bored and need a good laugh, I'm gonna have you guys make it yourself.

Biana: *sarcastically* Yay.

Fitz: This'll be...interesting.

Tam: *sighs* Let's get this over with.

Saph: Well you sound excited.

Sophie: Well, you're other ones haven't exactly been...cheer worthy.

Dex: We died!

Saph: Yeah, that was an unforeseen circumstance. But I brought you back! Then Lauren kidnapped you...

Tam: Rescued's more like it.

Saph: But still! Isn't this better than almost dying because an evil organization is trying to take over the world?

Everyone: ......

Saph: That's what I thought. Now, everyone take some slime. *takes seven different slimes out of her magical bag*

Biana: *backs away* I don't think so.

Keefe: Aw, come on, it'll be awesome. *takes a fluffy green one* Ooooooo, it feels good.

Linh: *grabs a soft stretchy blue one* Wow. It does feel good. What's in this?

Fitz: *playing with a turquoise one* Yeah, seriously. How did you do this?

Saph: Uh, I wish I did that. All my attempts suck. It just turns into a gooey mess. But your three have lotion in them. Keefe, yours also has shampoo.

A/N: I don't know if that actually works, but because I can be magical, it does here. MMMAAAAGGGIIICCCCC

Keefe: Oh, lotion? Maybe if I do this... *smears slime all over his face* That feels kinda good.

Dex: This is so weird...why is it crunchy? *holds up his yellow one*

Saph: Oh, that one has Styrofoam in it. Lots of people find it soothing.

Biana: *still won't go near it* I don't think so.

Fitz: You haven't even tried it.

Biana: And I don't plan to.

Tam: Uh-uh. If I have to do this, so do you. *picks up a magenta slime with two fingers and hands it to her* Happy inception day. *picks up the only black one*

Biana: *wrinkles her nose and takes it* Thanks.

Keefe: Aw, look at that. How cute. *continues to rub it on his face and arms* Hey...if this has shampoo too...*reaches up to put it in his hair*

Saph and Sophie: NO!!!

Keefe: *rubs it in his hair like he was washing it* Aaahhhhh. That feels good.

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