KOTLC Reacts: Each Other

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KOTLC Reacts: Each other

Keefe: I HATE BANGS BOY!!!!!!

Tam: I HATE KEEFE!!!!!!!

Biana: Well that was fast.

Fitz: *hands Dex a couple lusters* You win. I honestly thought Tam would say it first.

Dex: I'll admit, they said it at almost the same time.

Sophie: Oh this'll be fun.

Saph: *cackles evilly in a corner*

Linh: ...

Saph: Okay guys, this is a special one for my friend—

Dex: You have friends?

Saph: *death glare*

Dex: *raises hands in surrender* Okay, sorry. Continue.

Saph: Anyway... *glares at Dex one more time* In this react, you'll be imitating one another, trying to mimic their personalities for about ten minutes. I'll let you pick who you want to be but there are a few rules.

Keefe: *sighs* Of course there are.

Fitz: *whispers to Dex* I'll bet you five lusters Keefe will break them in five minutes.

Dex: *also whispering* I bet ten minutes.

Fitz: Deal.

Saph: Anyway, the rules are, when you're imitating your person and you want to ask someone a question as that person, you have to go up to the real elf you want to ask. So, if I were playing Biana and Keefe was being Fitz and I wanted to ask Fitz a question as Biana, I would go the real Fitz and not Keefe. Got it?

Everyone: *nods*

Saph: Okay last thing—you are NOT allowed to break character. I repeat: NO BREAKING CHARACTER!!!

Linh: Uh, okay. But what if two people accidentally act as the same person?

Saph: We'll figure that out. All right everyone, I'll point to you and you say who you want to be. Keefe, you go first.

Keefe: Well, being Foster is going to be easy. Watch and learn my friends. *turns to Fitz, makes a pouty face and bats his eyelashes* I love you Fitzy, I'm just too shy to say it. Will you kiss me?

Fitz: *shoves Keefe* *bright red* Not true.

Sophie: *also blushing* Yeah. That's stupid, Keefe. Stop being an idiot.

Keefe: Anyway, like I said, I want a challenge, so I'm gonna be Bangs Boy!

Tam: I call Keefe!!

Dex: I'll be Fitz.

Fitz: Guess I'm imitating Dex.

Linh: Uh, I'll be Sophie, I guess. If that's okay with you?

Sophie: *shrugs* That's fine.

Biana: Well, I'm going to mimic Linh.

Sophie: Ugh, guess I'm stuck with Biana then.

Biana: Hey!

Saph: Okay, now that that's settled, you guys have to change. Sophie, Biana will lend you some of her dresses. Uh, same goes for Linh, and Sophie. Boys, you guys are pretty good, I would just change your colors.

Everyone: *goes to change*


Saph: Okay, looks good. Now, REACT!!!

Everyone: ...

Linh: *as Sophie* So...how was your day?

Keefe: *as Tam* *standing in a dark corner with his arms crossed, wearing all black* *in an overly exaggerated deep voice* I hated it.

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