KOTLC Reacts: Slide Phones

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KOTLC Reacts: Slide Phones

Keefe: *opens  mouth*

Sophie: Absolutely not!

Keefe: *mutters* Man....

Saph: Oh the joys of slide phones! Note my immense sarcasm.

Tam: Noted.

Linh: So what exactly are *squints at the sign* Slide phones?

Saph: It's a phone that has a keyboard attached.

Everyone: .....

Fitz: What's a phone?

Saph: *sighs* For all the glories of Elvin technology, the idea of a phone is lost on your young minds.

Keefe: *whispers to Biana* Why is she talking like that?

Biana: *whispers back* I don't know....

Saph: A phone, my dear Fitzroy, is this. *holds up an iPhone*

Tam: Wait, your name is Fitzroy?

Dex: *looks at the phone* *whistles* That....sucks.

Saph: You know what else sucks, Dex? *holds up a slide phone* THIS!!!

Dex: *cringes*

Saph: This is a slide phone. And I can say from experience it is one of the most annoying pieces of technology ever to exist. It doesn't even have *pauses for dramatic effect* *in a voice that suggests all kinds of horrors* A touch screen....

Everyone: *gasp*

Saph: I KNOW RIGHT????

Biana: Well how do use it then?

Dex: With buttons.

Saph: Wait, how'd you know that?

Dex: *points at the phone in her hand* Because I can see them.

Saph: *looks down at the phone* Makes sense.

Sophie: You know, my grandmother used to use one of those. She would always get annoyed with it, and then snap that it was perfectly fine when my dad told her to get something better.

Saph: *nods* Sounds like old people.

Keefe: Please tell me we won't be using those.

Saph: What do you think this is, a democracy? Of course we're using these.

Tam: *snorts* You Foxfire people are so spoiled. Try not having an imparter for three years.

Linh: We didn't need one, Tam.

Tam: I know, but it would've been nice to have. You know, prank call the council, wake Mom and Dad up in the middle to say hello.

Keefe: *gasps* I CAN DO THAT TO MY DAD!!!!

Sophie: ....Tam, what have you done?

Tam: *raises his hands* I claim no responsibility for him!

Saph: Pranking aside, you'd better pick your phones, because we need to get on with this. *snaps her fingers and seven phones fall to the floor*

Sophie: Won't that break them??

Saph: Oh, did I mention they're indestructible? Cuz they are. I've dropped mine soooooo many times---down the stairs, on the concrete....

Biana: Sounds like something we could use. At least we know Keefe won't break it as soon as he lays his hands on it---


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