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Yoongi was busy trying to find something to wear to the opening of the nightclub in town when Hoseok came into the bedroom.

"You really don't want to go, do you?" He asks, the look on Yoongi's face saying enough.

"I already said I was going, Hobi." He says. "I just don't have anything to wear."

Hoseok chuckles pulling Yoongi into his arms. "If you don't want to you don't have to. I know you hate stuff like this. It was just a suggestion."

Yoongi sighs. "I want to...I just...I don't know. I'm sorry, Hobi."

"Why're apologizing? It's okay if you don't want to. We can just go out to dinner or something. The club is probably overrated anyways." Hoseok says looking down at the shorter man.

"Alright, thanks Hobi." Yoongi says leaning forward and pecking his boyfriend's lips before pulling away from the embrace. "You can pick where we go for dinner then."

"Alright, I already have a place in mind so dress nice." Hobi says heading out of the room to make a reservation for later tonight.

Yoongi groans, mentally hating himself for being so antisocial and paranoid.

Hoseok shouldn't have to put up with his issues from the past yet he did every day.

Yoongi was grateful for Hoseok, without him he would have never even started to move on from Jimin.

Without him Yoongi would probably still be at that apartment waiting for the day Jimin came back to him.

He still owned the apartment and was still paying the rent, only because that's the only address Jimin had to send the letters to and he didn't want to lose him forever.

Not yet.

They have had many arguments about Yoongi keeping his old apartment but in the end Yoongi never gives it up so Hoseok just stopped arguing about it.

Yoongi was slowly, but surely, getting over Jimin.

Just one step at a time.

Jimin forced a fake smile as another group of snooty business associates take a seat in his section of the upscale restaurant.

"Hello, can I start you off with some drinks?" He asks.

They continue to hold their conversation, one of them being oh so generous enough to wave him on.

He turns his back to them and forces his eyes not to roll as he goes to the back to get the order for his other table.

As he's grabbing the food for his table one of his coworkers call him.

    "Hey, Park? Can you pick up the phone?" He says walking past him idly and empty handed.

    "Can't you? I'm trying to work a table." Jimin says, only to be completely ignored.

He groans setting the food down and rushing to the phone.

    "Ambiance." He answers politely.

    "I'd like to make a reservation."

    "Okay, how many?" Jimin asks flipping through the reservations for any open slots.

    "Two for after six."

    "We have an opening for 6:30pm tonight for two, will that be suitable for you?"

    "That's perfect. The last name's Jung, first Hoseok."

    "Alright, Mr. Jung. You have a reservation at Ambiance for 6:30pm tonight. See you then."

"Thanks, see you."

Jimin hangs up the phone and quickly writes the name of the man before returning to the back to run his food.

"Hey, Park?" Another one of his coworkers stop him.

"I'm working a table right now." He says, still keeping his polite demeanor despite being highly annoyed.

"Could you pull my shift tonight? I have night classes starting a six." The guy, Hyunjin, says following Jimin to the back.

Jimin sighs, he always felt sympathetic for the younger male because he was still trying to go to school and provide for himself at the same time.

"Sure, that's fine." He says with a smile. "Just let your shift manager know, okay?"

"Thanks." Hyunjin says grabbing the tray with Jimin's order. "I'll finish your runs, some people in your section look like they're getting impatient."

Jimin looks over to the table of snobs and rolls his eyes a little. "Thanks, Hyunjin. I'll see you later."

"Alright, Thanks."

Jimin makes his way to the table and stands there until they acknowledge his existence.

"Are you here to take our order?" One guy asks.

    "Yes sir I am, what can I get started for you guys?" He asks with fake enthusiasm.

The rest of his shifts seems to go by quickly until he remembers that he's also covering Hyunjin's shift, which means he won't be leaving the restaurant until after it closes.

"Park, you got some people at the front desk headed to your section." Jimin's coworker says.

Jimin jumps up from where he was sitting for his break and tries his apron back around his waist.

He stops by the reception desk to check who has a reservation for this time, luckily only a few parties were supposed to show.

He grabs some menus and heads out to his section.

"Hey, Jimin."

Jimin turns and smiles at his friend and coworker before continuing on his way.

When he gets to his section he stops dead in his tracks.

His heart drops to his stomach and chills run down his spine.

"No." He says to himself before turning around and rushing to the back. "No, no, no~"

"Hey, Park! Are you supposed to be covering for Hwang Hyunjin?"

A few people turn their heads in the direction of the loud shift manager and Jimin groans eternally.

"Y-Yes sir." He stutters clutching the menus tightly in his hands.

"Then would you get to your section? I'm starting to get complaints."

"Oh, okay. Sorry, Hyung-nim." Jimin bows.

The manager huffs. "You're hanging on by a thin line, Park. You need to do better."

Jimin keeps his head bowed even though on the inside he wants to just walk out and let the manager figure it out.

"I'm sorry, I'll try." He says before reluctantly turning back to his section.

His eyes immediately land on him.

But this time his eyes are looking back and they make eye contact for the first time in three long years.

Jimin looks away before walking to another table even though Yoongi's table was seated first.

"H-Hello." He says with a smile. "Can I start you with any drinks?"

Jimin's eyes flicker over to Yoongi every now and then and each time Yoongi's eyes are on him.

For the first time in a long time Jimin feels something he hasn't felt since the start of his recovery.

Something he has taught himself not to feel, not to worry about.

He felt ashamed with Yoongi's eyes on him.

And despite three whole years of teaching himself not to care he can help but think to himself,

Does he think I'm fat?


Happy Sunday!! 💜

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