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    "Hey." Yoongi says, pushing himself up from the couch.

    "Hey, um. I'm sorry, are you busy?" Jimin asks on the other line.

    "Hm? Oh, no. No I'm, I'm good." The older stammers. "What's up?"

    "Well, I know you said before that you had some of my old stuff and I was just~"

    "Did you want to come by and get them?" Yoongi asks.


    "Yeah, you can come~"

    "Okay, cool. I'll just, whenever you're free~"

    "Oh I'm free. It's up to you honestly~"


    "Yeah. So..."

They both fall silent, Yoongi cringing at the silence.

    "Okay. So I'll stop by at about six, then?" Jimin asks. "I get off at six, so maybe at about 6:30. If that's fine."

    "Yeah. That's fine. That's totally good. Yeah." Yoongi says, nodding even though Jimin can't see him.

    "Alright then~"

    "How are you, Jimin?" The older asks, quickly before he lost the guts to ask.

    "Oh, I'm good. How are you?" Jimin asks.

    "Same. Yeah." Yoongi says, a feeling of relief washing over him for some reason.

    "Okay. That's good. I'll see you later then." The younger says, a nervous laugh sounding through the line.

    "Yeah. I'll be here." The older says, a smile tugging at his lips.

    "Bye." Jimin says before the line goes dead.

    "Bye." Yoongi says to no one, bringing the phone from his ear with a sigh, his heart finally recovering from the unexpected call.

He lays back down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

This apartment held so many memories, good and bad.

The thought of being here with Jimin again gives him mixed emotions, it's almost bittersweet.

He knew Hoseok wouldn't like the idea at all but even though part of him wanted to keep it from the other he knew he couldn't.

It's not like he was doing anything wrong.



    "I'm not doing anything wrong, right?"

Soonyoung shrugs carelessly as he eats the ice cream Jimin had gotten him.

    "Come on, bear. Help me!" The older exclaims.

    "I t-told you to th-think about it before c-calling and you d-didn't, hyung." Soonyoung pouts. "M-My help was d-disregarded."

Jimin groans, pushing his bowl of ice cream over to Soonyoung who eats it happily. "You think I should call and cancel?"

    "Yeah." The younger says with another shrug.

    "Soonyoung! You're supposed to say, 'no, hyung, you're just going to get your things, it doesn't mean anything.'"

    "No, hyung, you're j-just going to get your things, it doesn't mean a-anything." Soonyoung says, laughing at Jimin's expression.

    "You're no help." The older sighs. "I shouldn't have called."

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