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Yoongi sits across from Hoseok with a blank expression, not wanting to come across as careless or as if he cared too much.

His pride gets in the way of showing true emotion, as usual.

"I think we should take a break." Hoseok says immediately after they get pass all pleasantries.

Yoongi nods, his eyes dropping down to stare at the table separating them, wanting to argue but his argument is untenable.

"Okay." He says with an indolent shrug, his blank expression only a veneer covering up the hurt he feels.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok says, making the other realize he didn't actually respond.

"Sorry, yeah." Yoongi says clearing his throat. "That's fine."

Hoseok sighs as if he was expecting a different response. "Just for a little while though, to give each other some space. I know I've been on you lately about a lot so, I think you need some space. Do you?"

Another shrug. "I don't know, Hoseok."

    "Okay." The younger nods, his eyes still focused on Yoongi. "I want us to still be on good terms, even though we're on a break. We can just go back to being friends for a little while, yeah? Things'll go back to the way they used to be."

A dry chuckle slips past Yoongi's lips as he lifts his eyes to meet Hoseok's. "If it's what you want."

    "What do you want, sweetheart?" Hoseok asks. "This is about what you want too."

    "I want you to be happy, Hobi." The older says, which is true. "Whatever makes you happy."

Hoseok nods distantly, his gaze drifting off for a moment. "Okay."

    "I should go." Yoongi says standing from the kitchen table. "I'll see you later though."

"Yeah." Hoseok says forcing a small smile as he stands as well, opening his arms for a hug.

Yoongi steps into the embrace, wrapping his arms around the younger's torso and burying his head in his chest with a sigh. "I love you."

"I love you too." Hoseok says, something in his tone making his voice sound sad. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah." Yoongi nods as they both pull away from the hug. "Later."

"Later." The younger says again before Yoongi turns and leaves the apartment, a strange mixture of sadness and relief washing over him.

He's sad that they're taking a break but relieved that Hoseok isn't mad at him anymore.

It was strange, the two feelings mixing.


Jimin's hands shake slightly by his sides as he walks to his old apartment complex.

It had been a week since Soonyoung left and Jimin was only now getting back to Yoongi about getting his things.

He had spent the last week alone, feeling lonely, drowning in his loneliness.

Jimin didn't want his things, he could care less about anything Yoongi still had from when they were together, but he felt like removing his things from the apartment was, in a way, removing himself from the apartment.

When he gets there he doesn't hesitate to knock on the door, forcing himself not to overthink the situation.

He put himself here and now he has to deal with it.

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