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"He should've been with his cousin, he had no business being at your apartment."

"Soonyoung is my friend and I take better care of him than his cousin ever could."

"Yeah, it shows doesn't it?"

Jimin sighs, crossing his arms and keeping his eyes forward.

"He's going back." Mr. Kwon says, his tone final.

"You can't~" Jimin starts.

"We can. And we will." Mrs. Kwon says. "If he would've stay in the first place this wouldn't have happened, he's out of his mind."

"He isn't. And if you ever took the time to talk to him and actually listen to what he has to say you'd realize that." Jimin snaps. "He's been doing well up until now~"

"He deserves to be locked up somewhere. He should be in prison." Mr. Kwon spits. "I have no sympathy for him, not after what he did."

"That car accident wasn't his fault. And you continuing to drill that into his mind is one of the main reasons he's like this." Jimin says in utter disbelief at the two adults. "He's your son and you're ruining him."

"He ruined himself. I didn't stick my fingers down his throat, I didn't slit his wrists." Soonyoung's father snaps at Jimin, making the younger flinch. "He did that on his own."

"Stop." Jimin says, his voice weak compared to the older man's. "I honestly can't believe you."

"He's going back to inpatient treatment. That's final." Mrs. Kwon says. "Maybe he'll finally come out right next time."

Jimin stands and walks away from them, his hands shaking in frustration as he crosses his arms, taking a seat on the other side of the wait area.

"Park Jimin?" A nurse calls getting his attention.

"Yes?" He stands quickly. "I'm Park Jimin."

"Kwon Soonyoung is asking for you." The nurse smiles.

"Okay, thank you." Jimin nods before walking into the room.

Soonyoung lies in the hospital bed looking out the window.

"Hey, Soonie." The older says, tremendous relief washing over him as he approaches the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"H-Hey." The younger says, clearing his throat. "I'm f-feeling better I-I guess."

"Yeah?" Jimin asks, offering a sad smile as he sits down on the edge of the bed. "I'm glad. I was so worried, Hoshi."

"I'm sorry, hyung. I-I think I j-just panicked, th-that's all." Soonyoung explains, his eyes down.

"Your parents are here, bear." The older says, wanting to get that blow out of the way.

"I know, th-that's what I-I was getting at. I-I just had a m-moment, hyung. Y-You know? Y-You understand?" The younger explains. "I had a m-moment earlier b-but I'm good now. I-I'm all better so. Y-You can, can you e-explain that to them? Like, that I'm g-good now? A-All good?"

Jimin sighs sadly. "I don't think I can, Soonyoung."

"Please, hyung?" Soonyoung asks, his voice growing desperate. "T-Try please?"

"I tried, bear." The older says, tears stinging his eyes. "I tried."

"N-No, you know~ they're g-going to send m-me away a-again, hyung. You know that s-so, you have t-to try. Please, o-okay? Try again, please?" The younger stammers. "I can't g-go back, Jimin. Please, y-you have to~"

The door opens and Soonyoung's parents storm in.

"Say goodbye to your friend, Soonyoung." His mother says, coming to stand by the bed.


"Leave, now." She says to Jimin, her expression cold. "His time for visitors is over."

"M-Mother, please don't~"

"Hey, it's okay, Hoshi." Jimin says, offering his friend a smile as he stands. "I'll come visit you tomorrow~"

"He'll be transferred to another treatment center tomorrow." Mr. Kwon says.

"What?" Jimin asks, turning to the older.

"And I'm afraid we can't disclose which treatment center." He smiles wickedly. "Thank you for...taking care of my son. But you are no longer needed young man."

"Jimin please, d-don't. D-Don't leave. I-I need you, Jimin." Soonyoung cries, grabbing the older's hand tightly. "Hyung, p-please."

Jimin looks down at him with tearful eyes. "Oh, Soonyoung. I'm not leaving forever, okay? You're my best friend, we're friends for life, remember?"

"Leave, now." Mrs. Kwon repeats.

"I'll find you, okay? You know I'll find you." Jimin smiles despite the feeling in his gut telling him he might not find him. "I love you, Soonyoung. Okay?"

"H-Hyung, please." The younger cries, his head dropping as he sobs.

"I don't lie to you, Hoshi. I never lie to you." The older says through his tears. "I'll see you again, Soonyoung. I love you."

Soonyoung's grip on Jimin's hand tightens when he goes to leave and it early breaks the older's heart to have to pry Soonyoung's hand from his.

Jimin shoots the younger's parents a glare as he leaves the room with tears in his eyes.

    "I hope you're happy." He mumbles, his emotions making it almost impossible to speak coherently.

The door slams shut behind him, Soonyoung's soft sobs resonating through the door.

Jimin tries to dry his eyes but the sound of his best friend's painful sobs make his tears flow uncontrollably.

    "I'm sorry, Soonyoung." He whispers to himself as he walks out of the hospital, hands shaking by his sides.

He didn't know what to do, he felt like he should do something.

How can he just walk away like this? Without even trying?

He's tried so hard to keep this from happening, even going to the extent of keeping Soonyoung's cousin from telling about small slip ups the younger would have before he started staying with Jimin most of the time.

He was the only person that gave Soonyoung the comfort to be himself and the only person that the younger knew he could trust.

He was all Soonyoung had and this entire situation made him realize something.

Soonyoung was all he had too.


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