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Yoongi's heart was racing and every second Jimin was in his presence it swelled tremendously.

Yoongi saw him, and he saw Yoongi.

After three years of wondering what ever happened to the love of his life Yoongi finally saw him.

And what he saw almost brought tears to his eyes.

Jimin was healthy.

He wasn't the same Jimin he was when Yoongi left, no not at all.

He was healthy and he looked happy, well at least he did up until he saw Yoongi's face, now he just looks like he's seen a ghost.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Hoseok says snapping Yoongi out of his stupor.

"N-Nothing, sorry. I was just..." Yoongi trails off as he watches Jimin make his way towards them.

He looks anywhere else besides where Yoongi sits and bites his lip anxiously.

"H-Hello," He says smiling at Hoseok and placing the menus down with shaking hands. "C-Can I, um. I can~ Can I get anything started for you guys?"

    "Yeah, I'll have a glass of water." Hoseok says looking to Yoongi expectantly.

Jimin looks over at him and his heart beats faster, he held his breath for some reason and looking at Yoongi made him release that breath.

"Oh, same." Yoongi mumbles as he grabs a menu and keeps his gaze directed on it.

"Okay, I'll have those drinks right out you, and whenever you're ready to order my name is Jimin, just let me know." Jimin says before turning and rushing away.

"What's gotten into you,Yoongles?" Hoseok asks looking at the menu. "You never drink water."

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something." Yoongi says fidgeting in his seat.

"Wasn't your ex's name Jimin?" Hoseok asks looking up at Yoongi who freezes and looks up.

    "What'd you say?" He asks looking back down.

    "You heard me." Hoseok says snatching the menu from Yoongi's hands and making him look up.

    "Why are you bringing up unnecessary things?" Yoongi asks glancing around to make sure Jimin wasn't within earshot.

    "It's not unnecessary, the waiter's your ex?" Hoseok continues to push. "I'm just asking."

Yoongi sighs just as Jimin returns with the drinks.

    "Here you are." He says placing the drinks down. "Are you two ready to order?"

    "Actually we're good for now, could you give us a minute, Mr...?" Hoseok says with a smile.

    "Park, take all the time you need." Jimin says thankful to escape the table quickly.

Hoseok smile drops a little as he turns his attention to Yoongi. "Park Jimin?"

Yoongi sighs again, his stomach doing back flips as he watches Jimin smile at the customers. "I'm sorry, Hobi. I-I don't think I can be here right now."

    "Yoongi." Hoseok says as Yoongi stands grabbing his phone.

    "I'm sorry." Yoongi apologizes again, as he turns to leave his eyes fall on Jimin and Jimin's fall on him.

They are stopped in time and for a moment it's just them standing there in the crowded restaurant, unspoken words hanging in the air as their heart rates increase.

They both seem to break eye contact simultaneously and continue walking.

Their shoulders brushing as they rush away from each other.

The cool evening air hits Yoongi hard compared to the inside of the restaurant.

He takes a breath to try and calm his beating heart.

    "Yoongi." Hoseok says following his boyfriend as he rushes down the street in the opposite direction of the restaurant. "Wait a second, baby. Please."

Yoongi stops and faces Hoseok. "I'm sorry, Hobi. I'm sorry, I just can't see him right now. I didn't know he was going to be there~"

    "Hey, I didn't know either. It's okay." Hoseok says holding Yoongi by his shoulders. "Why are you getting all upset? I thought you were over him."

    "I am." Yoongi says, but the words hurt coming out. "I just didn't think I'd ever see him again."

Which was a lie.

In fact, he was hoping he'd see him again. Just once to see he was okay, to see that he was still alive after all this time.

"It's okay. I know you liked him a lot back then." Hoseok says.

His words hurt Yoongi more than they should.

He didn't like Jimin, he was in love with him.

"E-Excuse me?"

They turn to find Jimin standing there with Hoseok's wallet and cellphone and Yoongi's jacket.

"You left your things, sir." He says handing Hoseok his phone and wallet before turning to Yoongi. "And your jacket."

Yoongi takes the jacket without looking at Jimin. "I'm going, Hoseok."

"Wait for me, baby." Hoseok says before turning to Jimin and pulling some money from his wallet. "Thanks, sorry for the trouble. Here."

"Oh, thank you." Jimin bows. "Have a good night."

Jimin rushes back towards the restaurant, his heart aching in his chest.

Hoseok words weighing heavily on his mind.

Yoongi moved on...

Just like he wanted him to.

He just didn't know it'd hurt this much to see Yoongi with someone else.


Jimin gets to his apartment later that night, his mind completely occupied by Yoongi.

So much so that he doesn't even notice Soonyoung when he walks in.

    "W-What's wrong?" He asks snapping Jimin out of his daze.

    "Oh, nothing Soonie. Are you okay?" Jimin says smiling at his friend.

    "I'm fine." Soonyoung smiles. "I-I hope you s-saved your appetite c-cause I made you something, H-Hyung."

Jimin's smile drop a little. "I'm sorry, Hoshi. I don't have much of an appetite for anything right now."

Soonyoung's smile falls. "W-Why?"

    "It's nothing like that, Soonyoung. I'm just tired, it's late. We should turn in, yeah? I have work in the morning, we can go to the studio tomorrow afternoon." Jimin says with a reassuring smile. "Save whatever it is for me and surprise me tomorrow, okay?"

Soonyoung smiles and nods. "Okay, goodnight, H-Hyung."

"Goodnight, Hoshi." Jimin smiles before going and closing himself in his room.

The rest of the night he is restless and uneasy, the strange feeling in his stomach as he tries to force Yoongi from his mind.

All those feelings he felt seeming to come back all in one and hitting him head on.

But the thing that hurts the most is that Yoongi has moved on.

He was happy.

And he was happy without him...


Happy Sunday!!! 💜

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