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Silence settles between them, Jimin losing all ability to speak as he tries to process Yoongi's words.

The other doesn't seem to be in a rush to say anything so Jimin tries to regain his composure.

    "I don't want to hang up on you like this, Yoongs, but you can't do this." The younger says, tears welling in his eyes. "I-I can't...I have to go. You should get some rest."

   "You said you loved me." Yoongi says. "In the letter~"

    "I didnt think you were getting the letters!" Jimin cries out in frustration with himself and with Yoongi.

    "So it was a lie?"  The older asks.

    "No, but it just...if I knew you were getting the letters I wouldn't have sent them." The younger says, wiping his eyes. "You're drunk, Yoongi. You should go to sleep."

    "I mean what I'm saying." Yoongi says, his voice sounding clearer than it did a few minutes ago. "I love you, Jimin."

Jimin wants to ends the call but there's something that makes him stop, makes him want to listen.

    "And I know, I know Jimin. I know I left and I ruined everything but I just...I can't stop thinking about you. I haven't stopped thinking about you since that day." Yoongi goes on. "A-And, even though I know I should, I don't care that this is wrong. I don't care if this ruins my relationship with Hoseok because I know Hoseok can never be you~"


   "It's the truth." The older says, a sigh leaving his lips. "You're the only man I'll ever love, Jimin."

Jimin takes the phone away from his ear as a tear escapes his eyes, he hears Yoongi still talking on the other line but he can't bring himself to care as he ends the call.

He lies back down, staring at the clock as tears continue to spill from his eyes.

"How can you love me, Yoongi?"


Yoongi doesn't know if he's crazy or if he's going crazy, he has to be one or the other to be standing outside of Jimin's job hoping he's inside and that he'll come out soon.

In the back of his mind he knows that he shouldn't be here, he knows that he should have tried to call before showing up here but he can't seem to find it in himself to care about anything besides talking to Jimin in person.

He almost goes in to ask for him but decides the least he could do is wait for him.

Just as he's beginning to lose hope that Jimin is actually inside the door swings open and the younger walks out looking down at his phone with a duffel bag slung over his should.

His eyes flicker up for a moment to watch where he's going and he sees Yoongi, stopping in his tracks when he does.

He looks around as if he's trying to find an escape before continuing in the direction of where Yoongi is standing.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asks, his words coming across timid as he looks up at him.

"I want to talk." The older says looking down at him slightly.

"You couldn't have called?" The younger asks walking past the older as he continues.

"No. Because I needed to talk to you in person." Yoongi says following him.

Jimin stops, facing him again. "I can't right now, I have to volunteer at the studio."

"Well, I'll walk you then." The older says, not allowing Jimin to argue. "Lead the way."

"No. Yoongi." The younger sighs. "If it's about last night then I can't do this right now."

    "When can you do it then?" Yoongi asks.

    "I don't know. But not right now." Jimin says, adjusting his bag on his shoulder before continuing on his way.

Yoongi follows him, making him stop and look at him.

    "What are you doing?" He asks. 

    "I'm walking you." The older says. "We don't have to talk about last night, I'll just walk with you."

Jimin sighs before continuing on his way with Yoongi by his side. 

    "How was work?" The older asks in an obvious attempt to fill the silence between them.

    "Oh, it was fine. Can't complain too much." Jimin says. "You still doing that online thing?"

    "Yeah. It's going pretty well." Yoongi nods, smiling a little at the fact that Jimin remembered.

    "That's good." The younger nods, kicking at some rocks littering the battered pavement.

    "How long have you been volunteering at the studio?" Yoongi asks.

    "A couple of years. Soonyoung and I danced there for awhile before we started helping out." Jimin says, a small smile unconsciously appearing on his face.

    "I'm glad you're still dancing." The older says making Jimin laugh a little.

    "Yeah. I love it, so." The younger says. "We're gonna cross the street here."

    "There's a crosswalk a little further ahead~"

    "Then we'd be backtracking." Jimin says already looking both ways to cross the busy road.

    "It's illegal to cross where there isn't a crosswalk." Yoongi states. "The crosswalk is literally~"

Jimin grabs Yoongi's arm and pulls him towards the road. "You're the one who tagged along, don't start whining now."

    "I'm not whining." Yoongi whines. "Look at this five o'clock traffic."

    "Oh, this is our chance." Jimin says inching forward as a car passes. "Now!"

Jimin pulls Yoongi along as he runs across the street, laughing at the older's complaints.

They make it across the road before the next flow of traffic starts to pass.

Yoongi huffs, bending over to catch his breath making Jimin laugh harder.

"You're out of shape, Yoongs. We literally ran for all of five seconds." The younger says, not out of breath at all.

"I guess it would've helped to not give me a heart attack by running through on coming traffic." Yoongi says clutching his chest.

"Here." Jimin says making him stand up straight. "Bending over doesn't help you catch your breath, it actually restricts your diaphragm and makes it harder to breathe. So stand upright to catch your breath."

Yoongi nods. "Right. I knew that already."

"Right." The younger chuckles. "Well, thanks for walking me, Yoongi. See you around."

"Jimin?" The older stops him before he enters the building that the studio is loacated. "Can we still talk later?"

Jimin's small smile falters a bit. "Yeah. I, um, I'll be done here by eight so after, yeah?"

"Yeah." Yoongi nods, happy that Jimin was willing to talk to him.

"Okay. Meet me here." The younger says, taking a few steps backwards towards the door.

"At eight." Yoongi nods.

"Alright then." Jimin smiles before turning around and entering the building.

Yoongi sighs, his heart still recovering from being so close to Jimin.

He didn't expect this to go this well, sure they didn't get a chance to talk about what he truly wanted to talk about but he got to be with him, even if it was for a little while.

Now he had exactly two and a half hours to figure out what he was going to say at eight o'clock.


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