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This story has finally come to an end and I genuinely don't know how to feel. It's been a journey writing this and I am thankful for every single person who has been apart of it and for every single person who will be come apart of it.

This story is dedicated to someone I love that is now living a healthy and happy life doing what they love.

I started this story in such a rough place in my life and finishing it in a brighter place makes me so much happier.

Thank you for reading this and thank you for your support.

Stay healthy and stay beautiful, be the best you you can be no matter who's watching.

It doesn't matter if anyone else loves you as long as you love yourself, what's not to love about the amazing person you are?

Stay beautiful, stay unique, and love the hell out of yourself because you deserve your love more than anything.

Okay, I'm done. 💜

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