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Jimin was currently in the middle of packing his stuff as he was getting himself ready for the flight back to Korea, Seoul to attend to no others but Jeon Jungkooks wedding. To be honest he was going earlier than the actual wedding but that's because Jimin felt the need of wanting to see if Jungkook is truly happy with his fiancé and if he really is over him after all that time.

One thing Jimin knew for sure; he wasn't ready to give Jungkook up. He was determined to at least try and get Jungkook back. He wasn't ready to give him up like this.

Jimin suddenly snapped out of thought when he heard his roomate knock on the open door to Jimins room.

"Oh, Alex. I didn't hear you coming in." Jimin said looking at his friend.

"No worries, I'm just checking in, just in case you managed to throw this room upside down." Alex said with a knowing smile on his face. Jimin smirked shaking his head.

"I'm not going to. Don't worry, I'm just.. thinking." Jimin replied trying to fit in the right words to his words.

"About the love of your life?" Alex asked. Jimin packed the last thing, closed the suitcase and looked over at Alex.

"Yeah, I'm going to try and take him back. I'll fight until the end." He said and a warm smile crept up on Alex's face.

"Just don't do too stupid things and make sure to not trip up the stairs and all the other stupid accidents you have while walking." Alex joked and Jimin gave him a glare unimpressed. "I'm joking, calm down." Alex raised his hands defensively. "But I'm happy that you're fighting for him. I probably wouldn't even try." Alex took a pause. "Make sure to call me or text me every now and then." He added while leaving the room.

"But you do realise that the time difference is still a thing right?!" Jimin shouted after Alex but didn't get a reply. All he could do is shake his head with a stupid smile on his face.

One thing he was curious about: who is the girl Jungkook is willing to marry.

Jimin knew that at some point Jungkook started to develop intrest in girls so he wasn't sure weather Jungkook was straight now or bisexual but that wasn't going to stop him.

At least for now.


I have no idea what the hall have I just done but I've done a thing 😂

I hope that it's not too bad and that this is going to be at least somewhat good like my first book cuz if not. Well then, I'll just get over the fact that once is enough lmao.

Also let me just say how I was already half way through typing the first chapter for this book and then wattpad decided to do a thing and delete the chapter. I thought I was gonna flip the table 😠😤


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