Chapter 25|| First Step

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|Jimin's Pov|

I woke up hearing muffled voices around me. Somehow I managed to fall asleep last night and honestly, I feel good and bad at the same time. I wanted to open my eyes but keeping them closed feels so nice..

"How long has he been sleeping for?" I heard a female voice speaking. Wait; Sunmi?..

"For about two days now.. He went to sleep like I asked him to and he hasn't woken up since, of course I stayed in his room to always check his pulse." Jungkook.. he's here too. Is Alex here as well?

"I still think we should've called an ambulance for him." Yeah, he's here too.

"I don't think there's any need for it. He should wake up today. His brain shouldn't allow more sleep than that." She replied. I forgot Sunmi is fluent in English..

At this point I think I should just get up. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the three of them sitting in the floor near my small coffee table. Sunmi was sat facing me at the other end of the table. Alex was next to her and Jungkook was sitting in front of me with his back towards me.

I was about to say something but then my eyes met Sunmi's. "O, Jimin-ah." She said and that's when Jungkook instantly turned to face me. He looked at me in the eyes while I looked at how his expression changed from surprise/worry to happy/worry. I saw him opening his mouth to say something but once again, Sunmi beated him to it. "I think me and you need to talk, don't you think?" She said sternly but somehow calmly as well? Jungkook looked at her then looked at Alex who seemed to get the message and they both left the room leaving me and Sunmi alone. I slowly got up into a sitting position as she; on the other hand walked over to sit on the other side of my bed.

For the first couple of seconds, maybe minutes, we sat in silence. I didn't dare looking up at Sunmi as I knew I disappointed her just by feeling her eyes scanning my skeleton-like body. I heard her sigh and her eyes gone from my figure. That's when I dared to say something. "Sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to see the second you decide to come visit.." I said with a sad smile.

"I just don't understand why would you go this far.. Everyone who knows about this is worried sick." She said in a sad, tired voice which was unnatural for her. I had no idea what I should say at all, it all felt really unreal, as if what I was facing right now isn't true. I wish it wasn't true..

"I'm sorry.." I said wanting to apologise on loop.

"There's no point in saying 'sorry' Jimin, what has to be done, is you trusting us and telling us what's going on. Then, we need to fix this issue, but we must do it together. Otherwise it won't work, out of all people you should know that you can't do everything by yourself." She instantly replied to me looking back at me but I still held my head low.

I sighed with mixed feelings not knowing where to begin, if I should begin..

I stayed silent not wanting to reply to anything Sunmi says which she noticed right away. I was expecting her to be bitter towards me, but I wasn't met with that when I felt her small hand placed on my shoulder. "Jiminie.." She spoke softly hoping I'd finally tell her what's wrong.

"I just.." I begun, "I just want to make my mom happy.." finishing off I finally let some tears slip from my eyes.

"Your mom?" Sunmi question not expecting that kind of answer from me, but after a second it seems like she already worked out the whole puzzle. "Is it because of the pressure? The money issue?" She questioned expecting for an answer as fast as possible.

"I just don't want her to be disappointed in me." I finally have up. "She always told me how she wishes that I'll study over seas, get good grades and succeed in life. I thought that I'd do it all for her, but it only seems like I'm falling further and further away from that goal even though I'm studying non-stop.." I explained. Once again, Sunmi sighed.

"Jimin, I think you forgot that the thing that your mother cares about the most is your well being. And by doing what you're doing now, you're ruining yourself. I'm not trying to make you feel had but just think about what would your mom say and feel when she'd see you like this. She wouldn't be happy, would she?"

"I know.. I don't even know how all of this started, really.." I said giving my best effort not to cry. What is it with me and crying all the, bloody time? 

"Okay well, I think the most important thing right now is to get you eating again, right? So come on, get up. We're gonna work hard to get you healthy again." Sunmi said a bit more relaxed while helping me get up from the bed.

Can I just stop being a pain in the ass for everyone?


So for once I actually have nothing to say lol.

Hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!


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