Chapter 45|| Planning

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|Jungkook's POV|

Just after lunch the next day we arrived, the four of us went out to explore the streets of Japan. We went in many shops where usually Sunmi would like to buy something while the three of us would watch her 'waste' her money.

We lost the track of time and soon it was dinner time. Our choice was to eat dinner in a some sort of a restaurant that was somewhat near the hotel.

The next day we went to the beach where Sunmi and Chungha mostly laid on the towels, sunbathing. On the other hand me and Jimin messed around in water and at some point we got the girls to join us as well.

Then the rest of the time here we actually spent ticking off all the tourists sights, taking pictures and such.

So now with only a week or so left I came to the girls' hotel room for advice.

"I don't know how to do it." I admitted sitting down on their bed as Sunmi sat in front of me and Chungha was using an hairdryer to dry her hair.

"Well you obviously know how, you just don't know when is the best time." Sunmi corrected being a typical mother she is for me and Jimin. I was in a mess with myself as Chungha came over and sat next to me.

"Listen, firstly what you've got to do is spend the day with him or preferably evening to slowly build up the date." The woman instructed as I listened to her carefully to take notes.

"Are you describing it the way I planned it for us?" Sunmi asked raising an eyebrow while Chungha smiled sweetly at her.

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" She admitted.

"Isn't there Disneyland here?" I asked getting an idea of where to take Jimin while also getting the attention of the two girls.

"From what I heard yes." Chungha took a second to think.

"Disneyland is a shot worth 5,000 points. Jimin always wanted to go to Disneyland." Sunmi said which made me decide that taking Jimin to Disneyland would be a great choice.

"Okay, I'll look into it, get tickets and then we'll see how things will go." I said setting my mind on a goal I was determined to achieve.

"Remember to not be too sudden with anything and take things easy!" Sunmi shouted after me as I was leaving thier hotel room.

I got back to mine and Jimins where Jimin was taking a nap so I sat down on the bed on the other side and looked for Disneyland here in Japan and how much the tickets would cost.

Weirdly enough, the tickets weren't as expensive as I thought which only made thing easier for me in the end. As it seemed I had everything ready and set, it was time to tell Jimin about my idea.

"Jiminie-" I said quietly wanting to wake up the guy. "Hey, Jiminie.." I gently shook his shoulder in hopes he'd wake up soon. He hummed in response, still most likely half asleep. "Wake up, I gotta tell you something." I continued which seemed to have worked and Jimin soon sat up wanting to hear what I wanted to say.

"Yeah?" His voice was so cute like a tired child's which he totally reminded me of right now and I couldn't help but chuckle a little before continuing.

"I wanted to go on a date with you tomorrow." I said grabbing hold of his hands as he looked at me.

"Alright, will it be a double date?" He asked taking a while to process everything I say as his brain is still waking up.

"No, it'll be just the two of us." I corrected with a smile.

"Then what about-"

"I already talked to them, they're fine with it and it means that they can have some alone time as well so we all benefit from this." I explain quickly as Jimin once again takes a while to analyse what I say.

"Where we going?" He asked after a while.

"It's a secret." I placed a finger on my lips trying to act cute which I hoped worked as Jimin smiled but it could be because I was cute or stupid looking. One of those.

"Alright well.. can I go back to sleep?" He asked obviously still tired while pointing at the pillow he was sleeping on just a second ago.

I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah sure, I'll wake you up for dinner."

"Thanks, I'll see you dinner time.. night~" Jimin mumbled yawning and laying back down on the bed not even covering himself which of course I did for him as I am not gonna let him be cold in his sleep. I also didn't forget to place a loving kiss on his forehead before minding my own business.


This is a short chapter to an introduction to a hopefully quite long chapter that I plan on writing straight after this one but I don't know if it'll go up today or not hehe


Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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