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|Jimin's POV|

After finishing cooking the dinner I called in my family to eat together. Not long after my voice echoed throughout the house two little heads popped up behind me, taking a look at the food I prepared.

"We're having curry again?" MiRae moaned, not wanting to eat curry for the second time this week.

"Your daddy wanted to eat curry again, I can't help that." I explained showing that I have no power against that man. The kids didn't say anything else before going up to the table with me and sitting down, soon after Jungkook showed up, walking up to me and giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for making curry again." He said smiling at the food instead of me.

"It's not like you gave me much choice.." I mumbled beginning to eat as Jungkook sat down next to me. At first for a couple minutes the dinner went silently which was caused by everyone getting thier first taste of the food around the table.

"Dad, how did you and daddy meet?" Asked HyunJun and both me and Jungkook looked at each other then back at our kids.

"We met through your grandparents." Jungkook said and I looked at him questioningly. Was he about to tell them that we were supposed to be stepbrothers and everything else that happened? "They were colleagues at work which eventually turned them to quite close friends and they wanted us two to meet since I would be going to the same school as your dad." Jungkook smoothly bent the truth and I felt a bit relieved. I didn't want to lie to our kids but I don't think they're old enough to understand yet, and if they go blabbering about this to the kids in the kindergarten and they tell thier parents; it might turn against them. 

"Then how did you fall in love? It must be a good story!" MiRae continued this conversation as this time Jungkook let me explain. This was a good oppertunity to get Jungkook a bit annoyed.

"You see kids, Jungkook was very scared and desperate about his feelings towards me that it led to him having to seek advise in your uncle Jin." I wasn't fully lying, I just made it seem like Jungkook is a bottom, even though the kids don't know the meaning of it yet, it was enough to spark some annoyance in Jungkooks eyes.

"Uncle Jin? Wow dad, it must've been tough being like a kitten." The girl said matching his actions up to a kitten which I found entertaining as hell.

"A kitten? How come?" Jungkook asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow as he listened to the kids.

"Well I just think that you were just like a little kitten, too scared to trust a stranger." I had no idea where this child was getting those ideas from but I am not complaining. "While daddy seemed like a Prince in shining armor on his way to get you, dad!"

Jungkook obviously was looking for a way to get back at me but it was hard to without having to confuse the kids. I loved times like this, I would be the winning one and he'd be the loser, this is my payback for all the times in the past. I took my glass of juice as the kids continued to talk, taking a sip of the liquid.

"You know, I don't know about that but your daddy usually is like a kitten. Not me." Jungkook said.

"How come?" HyunJun asked confused.

"He's the one who says 'daddy' to me in bed." The second those words came out of Jungkooks mouth I choked on my food.

"J-Jungkook!" I squealed slapping his arm. "Not in front of the kids!" I scolded him as he smirked at me like he's the God of the world.

"Eh? What does that mean daddy?" HyunJun asked me and I turned to look at the kids, still embarrassed about what Jungkook just said.

"Don't worry, your dad is talking nonsense. Just finish your food darling." I brushed off the whole topic as I seriously didn't feel like coming up with a good enough lie about this 'daddy' thing.


Thank you all for 50k reads! It really means a lot to see that my first fanfiction series is doing good. I got so much support from all of you that I seriously don't understand why ^^'

I promise more Jikook fanfiction will be written sometime in 2020 but currently, I'm watching YouTube videos about Moonsun from Mamamoo.

What can I say? I became gay for Moonsun

What can I say? I became gay for Moonsun

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Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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