Chapter 33|| Jogging

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|Jimin's POV|

Today I finally found a job. Funny enough, it's as a dance teacher in Hoseoks studio he managed to set up. Apparently it got pretty famous in a short amount of time. Weirdly though, he never mentioned it to me, but then again, the last time me and him had a casual chat was in the group chat with everyone else. We were annoying Namjoon. Either way, I was happy that I'll be working as a dance teacher, (as I used to love dancing and still sometimes do) as well as I'll be working alongside of one of my best friends. What more can you ask for?

This morning I woke up alone as Jungkook was already back to his job and he usually has morning shifts. It feels so eerie to wake up alone in a quite big, bright house but also kind of relaxing. I don't know how to put it in words. I wanted to start being active again like I used to, so I did set an alarm for seven in the morning and I regret it slightly now. I wish I've gone to sleep earlier than two am..

Crawling out of bed my first decision of the day was to make myself some scrambled eggs with bacon and toast to quickly fill me up and give me a lot of energy to then use up on a morning run. The second I finished eating I dressed myself in a tank top and some baggy shorts, trainer socks and grabbed my headphones with my phone, keys and set out on an even pace jog. I was surprise to realise that I was still in a good shape as I didn't get tired as fast as I assumed I would, which obviously is good.

As I was jogging for about half an hour now (of course with five minutes breaks, I'm still quite lazy..), in the corner of my eye I saw a girl who was pushed by a group of some punks which made her stumble over and fall over. What annoyed me most though, was the fact that the teenagers just laughed at her. I ran over to her to help her up, that's when I recognized her. "Jisoo-ah, are you okay?" I asked happy, because of meeting my friend but worried because her knees where all scratched up and bleeding.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a few scratches.." She nodded looking down at her knees for a few seconds before looking up at me and smiling warmly.

"Ugh, those punks.. I'm gonna make them apologise." I said furrowing my eyebrows, I looked behind us to see that the group of teenagers weren't exactly far away. "Yah! You punks! You better apologise to her for knocking her over!" I shouted after them. They turned around looking unbothered and just shrugged thier shoulders at me before turning back around and walking away laughing once again. I was about to speed walk up to them but Jisoo stopped me by grabbing my arm firmly.

"Don't bother, it's not worth it." She said calmly. "They'll learn about respect soon anyway." She added, I didn't exactly know what she meant but I figured that she meant that they'll also get disrespected at some point. "So, you're back, I assume Jungkook is as well?" The girl asked, turning to look at me.

I smiled friendly as geniuenly as I possibly could. "Yeah, and this time we're not going anywhere. At least I don't think we'll be moving anywhere." I replied. I wasn't going to tell her the reason why we're back or what happened as there is no need for her to know, and if she'll ask I'll just say that it wasn't for me and I just wanted to start working and having a 'life'.

"Cool, does that mean that you and Jungkook are finally happy?" Looking at her I realised how geniuene everything she said was, and always in a kind, caring way. Jisoo really is a sweet girl, I hope she finds someone soon as well; that is if she doesn't already.

"Yes, I moved in with Jungkook, it's nice. I never knew how comforting it is to wake up in the middle of the night and realise that someone you care for is right next to you for you to cuddle." I said probably getting a bit carried away yet it seemed not to bother Jisoo at all. If anything, it made her happier.

"I see, I'm glad that everything is working out. You both deserve it, after all that happened." Her smile looked as if it's getting wider and wider even though I was almost sure it couldn't get any bigger.

"Thank you. You've always been cheering for us, weren't you?"

"Maybe~" She said with a mischievous expression. "I actually found out quite late about you two, but I was never against it. So you could say that I cheered for you from the moment I found out." She added, this time a bit more seriously. Both me and her talked for a short while before I returned to my jog and then got back home.

Considering that I took some time to talk to Jisoo I didn't take that long outside as it was only 10am. Wanting to take a shower since I was sweating at this point, I took my shirt off after walking up the stairs.

Just then...

"Jimin? You home?"

The second I took off my shirt Jungkook walked out from the bedroom. My face flushed red as Jungkooks eyes drifted to my torso, back up at me and once again to my torso. I swear to God he was supposed to be back at 3pm. Why are you home early?


Jungkook be like: Me likey what me see 😂

Hope you have a wonderful day/night where he you are!


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