Chapter 24|| Yoghurt

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|Jimin's POV|

I woke up on the desk again..

Ever since I stopped sleeping and eating I've been passing out from time to time. I know I should sleep and eat but at this point, I can't control it anymore, no matter what I would try to eat or if I tried to sleep, my body would just reject that idea.

I'm in too deep.

I rubbed my eyes with my hand and grabbed my pen once again to continue writing in my text books but somehow everything looked just so blurry, is this a side effect or something? Maybe I should try eating again.

Using most of my strength left in my arms and legs I got up from my seat, walked over to my room door and quietly unlocked it to walk out of it and head to the kitchen. I should probably try eating something small and light at first. Otherwise it might not end well for the poor tiled floor..

I opened the fridge and picked some plain yoghurt and then took a teaspoon as I want to sit down at the kitchen table.

In all honesty just looking at that yoghurt made me feel sick, and it's just because of my body..

Using the silver spoon I got a bit of yoghurt and stared at it for quite a while as my hand started shaking. Why? Because the rational side of my wanted to shove that yoghurt in my mouth a swallow it but the other half was against it. Just what is wrong with me?

I need to eat this, for myself, for others, for Jungkook. I've already caused him enough trouble as it is, why am I still being a burden to him?

I tried to eat the yoghurt from the spoon once more but once again my body would refuse to bring it even an inch closer to my face.

"Oh for fucks sake!"

Out of frustration I threw the teaspoon across the kitchen. Trying to call down I started to ruffle my hair hoping that, that would make my body realise in what condition I am.

Taking a deep breath in I hoped to organise my scattered thoughts and try again later but first I'd need to clean all of this first. What I didn't realise was that Jungkook was standing in the door frame for what it looked like quite some time.

"Jimin.." I heard him say which made me jump a little and turn to look his way. Lately I've been feeling too ashamed of myself to look him in the eye so almost in an instant I diverted my eyes from his in fear.

As he realised I wasn't going to reply to him he walked over to the; now dirty; teaspoon and picked it up, putting it in the sink. "Jimin you know you should-"

"I have been trying to eat, Jungkook." I stopped him before he'd continue telling me to start taking care of myself and such. "Do you really think I didn't try to go back to normal? You're not the only one being affected by this!" I added practically starting to throw all of my frustration at Jungkook; even though he has done nothing but concern for me.

"Jimin, that's not what I was trying to say, calm down." He said calmly and quietly hoping that this way I'd start calming down.

"But how can I Jungkook? For all I know I might just not wake up one day!" I said jumping to the worst conclusion. I stood up quite agressively which made me stumble over and fall on Jungkook who managed to caught me. I tried to pull myself away from him but looking from the third point of view it probabbly looked like a little boy trying to free himself from thier older brother. Let's say that he had the most strenght out of both of us. "Let me go." I demanded still trying to move myself away from him.

"Jimin, please don't say that.." He said in a tone I somehow never managed to hear, but I'd gladly not hear that tone of voice ever again as it seemed like the most heart breaking time of voice ny ears could've ever heard. That's when I decided to give in and just listen to what the guy has to say. "I can't possibly imagine how you feel, what you think - For all I know you could be wanting to slap me for being so persistent and annoying, but please remember that I do it because I'm worried sick that you're gonna end up in a hospital.. yet what's worse; I fear that you're going to die... and leave me and others." He begun saying as my head was pressed against his chest. "What would I do without you then?.." His voice cracked and I thought I was going to burst out crying because of this.

I gripped tightly his shirt and hid my face from him, too scared to look him in the eye. "I'm sorry.." I whispered silently listening to his heartbeat.

He sighed.

"It's okay, I'm just really worried. I know it's not your fult.." He said quietly but I knew that he wasn't just worried.

"I should clean up this mess.." I said trying to pull myself away from him but this time less agressively. It seemed that Jungkook was going to let me go but just when I was about free myself he pulled me close again.

"No, you should try getting some rest. I'll clean up for you." He said. I didn't want to argue so I just nodded my head slightly. Afterwards he let go of me and just as he asked me to, I went to my room and tried to get some sleep. Yet just as I expected, it wasn't going to be that easy..

Who thought that going to sleep would be this hard?


Next chapter Sunmi comes in to save the day! Once again!.. 😂

Hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!


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