Chapter 30|| Back Home

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|Jungkook's POV|

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said softly nodding at Jimin. "It's just that I don't know if Taeyoon actually moved out of my house.." I added and bit my lip, feeling uncomfortable thinking about the possibility of Taeyoon still staying in my house. I watched at Jimin's expression changed into one which I wasn't really able to describe but I knew there was a hint of disgust in his eyes. I sighed sitting back, "If she's still there then I'll have to throw her out, I surely have her enough time to find a place where she can stay." I said hoping I'd somehow make Jimin feel a little bit better.

The rest of the journey went by quietly and soon both me and Jimin were in front of my house. I quickly fished my keys out from my coat pocket and a bit hesitantly opened the front door. The door swung open slowly and revealed a comepletly empty, dark house. At least at first glance it seemed like no one was here.

We both walked inside, taking our shoes off and leaving the suitcases in the hallway. My first destination was the kitchen, turning on the light I scanned through the room to see it comepletly untouched and clean. It was the some for the living room.

Since I still wasn't sure if Taeyoon really moved out I went upstairs to walk into the bedroom, I opened the closet I once shared with Taeyoon to see all her clothes gone. I looked once more around the room I was in, to see a small note with the second pair of keys on the bedside table. This reassured me that Taeyoon wasn't going to be back. I sighed in relief and went back downstairs where Jimin was already taking up the whole couch, eyes closed, breathing slowly.

Walking over to the older I decided to bother him a little so I sat down on his back, crossing my legs. Wierdly, Jimin seemed uninterested. I furrowed my eyebrows before asking: "You slept so much, how are you still tired?"

Jimin shrugged as a response probably not even listening to what I'm saying. Rolling my eyes I got back up, looking down on him. "I'm gonna take our suitcases upstairs and I'll also have a shower. I'll be back in a bit." With that in mind I walked to the hallway where we left the suitcases and took them upstairs without much hustle. Leaving them in the corner of my bedroom I quickly found some shorts and a blank tee in which I'd be sleeping after taking the shower.

It didn't take me longer than five minutes to shower and dry myself so as soon as I was done I walked back downstairs only to see a fully asleep Jimin. "God, I can't believe you.." I mumbled smiling as I gently lifted him up, carrying him bridal-style up the stairs and into the bedroom where I layed him down on one side of the bed, tucking him in. Observing his features I brushed his bangs out the way before leaving a soft kiss on his forehead.

I still had quite a few things to do around the house so I didn't want to go to sleep just yet even though it's well past midnight. Firstly I wanted to unpack all of our belongings from the suitcases so I walked over to them and sat down on the floor as I took out my clothes and soon moved on to Jimins. What caught my attention was a characteristic hoodie that I took out from Jimins suitcase. It couldn't possibly be the same hoodie I gave him as a seventeen year old.. well, I didn't actually give it to him, he took it himself when I lended it to him when he was cold and then he refused to return it. A small smile spread across my lips as my eyes drifted towards the sleeping small figure of Park Jimin.

Not long after I folded another few of Jimins clothes my hands found another very known t-shirt to me. I was geniuenly surprised to see him still holding onto this shirt, I guess it really meant a lot to him when I bought it for him. Even though it was quite plain he really wanted it but never got it as he was too focused on buy preasents for everyone else. So for once I was the one buying him a preasent. I still remember the shock on his face when I handed it to him. I guess he wasn't used to getting things from people. I sighed as the feeling of nastologia of the old times filled my mind, yet I smiled at the thought that small events like those might repeat in my freshly new future with Jimin but I also realised that I am taking way too long on this so I stopped dwelling on the memories and finally finished folding and putting away the clothes from the suitcases. Pushing the suitcases under the bed I went to the attic to check if Taeyoons belongings are gone from there too, which I was pleased to see that they were gone from the house and saved me from having to hand them to her or worse, have her take them from here. It also meant that I could go get some sleep next to Jimin, but before that I quickly texted my dad that I'm back in the country and that if he needs something he can call me or text me from now on.

After that I finally climbed into the bed next to Jimin, wrapping my arms around his smaller body and with a smile on my face, I drifted off to sleep only to be met with Jimin later on in the morning.

I wished for that moment to last forever if I only knew what would happen later on...


You know you guys love me right?

So you wouldn't get angry if something went wrong along Jikook's path, right?



Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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