Chapter 15|| Shop

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|Jungkook's Pov|

I walked through the wooden door to then close it and take off my shoes and coat. Today I decided to tell my father about my decision of leaving Korea and going to America along with Jimin, the only thing I was worried about is the fact that he might not like the idea since he's planning on making me the owner of his company soon. Still I'm not going to give up my decision, no matter how much that might burden my relationship with my dad.

"Dad?" I called out to make sure he's at least home right now.

"Yeah?" I heard him say from somewhere upstairs. He's probably in his office again. Walking up the stairs I turned to the closest right door to me to meet my father who seemed to busy with segregating his papers to even realise I was standing there.

"I wanted to talk to you. It's important." I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. That's when he looked up and left his papers to give me the full attention.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked walking up to me.

"Well, you know how right now I'm back with Jimin?" I begun, he nodded and that's when I knew I could continue. "So he's leaving to America soon and.. I decided to go with him until we decide to come back to Korea." I declared and for a second my father seemed as if he was about to choke on air.

"You what?"

"Dad, you heard me. Don't make it harder for both of us." I said not wanting to play around with this subject. "I just want you to know that I couldn't care less about your opinion on this. I'm going. I'm old enough to decide myself." I added giving him a point he can't possibly argue against well. The man sighed and leaned against his desk in thought.

"So I'm guessing that by this you don't want to be the company owner anymore?.." He questioned. I shook my head crossing my arms.

"Sorry dad, but I think I deserve happiness after going through a miserable teenage stage." I stated and he only nodded his head in understanding.

"When are you going?" He asked looking up at me.

"In two days." I answered and the man nodded again.

"Alright. As long as you call me from time to time to say how things are and such. Also take care of yourself and all that motherly crap." He mumbled while waving his hand around emphasising that he just wants to get this over and done with but when he stopped talking he looked at me and smiled honestly. I returned the smile feeling geniuenly happy that this went by quite smoothly.


I was currently shopping with Jimin since he said he wanted to bring some food back for his roomate to try. I tagged along since now it is my trun to be the glue of this relationship plus I didn't feel like staying home alone anyway. "What are you going to buy for him then?" I asked quietly following Jimin around like a five year old child would follow thier mother.

"Some noodles and sweets, maybe a drink. I don't know. I guess whatever seems that he'd eat I'll get it." He replied shrugging his shoulders while looking through the shelves of the convenience store.

"Ah, I see." I mumbled nodding a little. Soon I found myself getting some stuff for myself as well but since I didn't want it to mix in with Jimins stuff I carried it in my hands. "By the way, does he know I'm coming as well?" I asked.

"Uhm, well.. no but I'll text him later. He should be fine with it though." He answered with somewhat embaressed smile.

"Cute." I said leaning towards his ear for him to hear, but of course he got starled and nearly dropped the basket which I helped him prevent from falling.

"You're such a bully.." He commented on my actions and I just laughed it off and took the basket away from him. "But you're carrying your own stuff.."

"That doesn't matter. I can't trust you to carry anything since you're so clumsy."

"Again, you're a bully."

"Whatever you say, Jiminie." I smiled and gently ruffled his hair as he tried to ignore my presence.

When we were waiting in the que for check-out I stood behind Jimin playing with his hood from his hoodie as if I was a child, also I could tell it was somehow bothering Jimin and at some point it caused him to turn around to face me with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you? A five year old?" He asked me and I smiled sheeplishly.

"What can I say? I just can't leave you alone." Jimin rolled his eyes at me while hiding a smile on his face. His hand lightly slapped my chest which I caught just as he was about to pull it away, he seemed somewhat surprised by my reaction but didn't pull away his hand.

"So, how did your dad react to the news of you coming to America with me?" He asked as we were walking out of the shop.

"Well at first, I thought he wouldn't take it well but it didn't take long for him to let me do what I want, so I guess he isn't against it." I answered with a smile which Jimin quickly returned. "You know, I just realised one thing." I begun.

"What is it?" Jimin asked looking up at me.

"I barely know any English..."


Well, good luck to Jungkook to try and comunicate with people in America XD

Sorry it took this long to update T-T

Hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!


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