Chapter 27|| Jimin

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|Jungkook's POV|

"Jimin I think you should quit University." I added silencing this short conversation we had. I shut my eyes tight hoping for the worst reaction but I'm the end, I got none.

I decided to let go of tho little guy to look at him but his eyes didn't meet mine as he was too busy in his thoughts. "Ji-"

"What about my mom's dream? She only wanted me to do the best I can so I can have a good life." Jimin said as his eyes started to fill with worry. "But even if I did leave, what would I do with myself? I don't think I'd be able to be independent and live alone as I would just be a pain for Alex if I stayed home all the time." He added biting his lip. "And what about getting a full-time job? What if I and up working like a slave in some sketchy place that pays the lowest amount of money possible? Jungkook I can't just flip my life upside down all of a sudden." I could tell he was still very stressed out because of his situation but I also knew that what the guy just listed as his worries and possibly problems, he can solve them. I know he can.

"Jimin, listen. I'm here with you, we could go back to Korea to put friends and family, I have a house of my own you can live with me and we can both find you a good job. I could even ask my dad of he'd hire you in his company, all you have to do is put some confidence in yourself and trust in me, because I will always try my best to help you get through rough times and I won't ever leave you." I stated looking straight into his eyes as I spoke. Jimin bit his lip obviously not fully convinced. I decided to not push it and just give him time to think now. "Whatever you choose, I'll stay by your side but I won't stand you ruining yourself, okay?" I said making sure the guy understands me and when he nodded I smiled trying to cheer him up while holding his hand again. "Come on," I spoke softly. "Let's go back, now." I added beginning to walk once again.

When we got back the first person who met us we of course Sunmi who looked at me expecting that I did and up talking to Jimin. I looked away from her as she changed her focus from me to Jimin. "You guys took a while, I thought you'd be here before me." She said playing dumb.

"Uh yeah well, we had a talk and it slowed us down." Jimin said taking off his coat.

"Really?" Sunmi asked Jimin but in reality I knew she was asking me. I nodded at her and that seemed to satisfy her. "That's good, in all honesty you guys act more like kids now then you did back as teenagers." She stated and I scoffed not approving of what the woman just said, but it seemed like Jimin was unaffected by what Sunmi said and just walked past her.

He walked over to Alex that it seemed like he was in the kitchen and I could just about hear him softly say "I'm not going to school tomorrow." And soon I saw him leave to (I assume) his room.

Sunmi looked at me and I knew she wanted to know what me and Jimin talked about. I sighed as me and her walked to my room to talk. I sat on my chair while on the other hand Sunmi day on my bed crossing her legs. "So," she begun calmly yet the me it seemed as if she was a mother about to scold her child. "I'm guessing it didn't go too well?" She questioned and I looked up at her.

"I wouldn't say it went badly but it also didn't go great, but right now I think I must've said something not okay as it seems that Jimin is quite upset.." I replied whith all my honesty sighing as I scratched the side of my back.

"What did you say?" Was the obvious question that Sunmi asked and I leaned back on my bed eventually laying on it beginning to explain how the talk went, from the beginning til the end. "I see.." The girl said in thought until she looked back up at me. "To be fair, I think it would be best if Jimin would just drop out. It's not healthy for him and it's obvious he can't keep on going like this." She stated with worry in her eyes. "But it's all up to him in the end.." She finished standing up and stretching her arms and legs before heading towards the door. Her feminine  hand landed on the door handle but instead of opening the door she Inc more looked back at me. "Go check up on him in around ten minutes." She said with a smile and left. Just like she always does. I nodded even though she was already gone and just rolled onto my stomach while sliding my phone out from my back pocket. I unlocked it and stared at it for few minutes before I decided to go see Jimin now. 

I just had a feeling like I should see him now.


here I am standing in front of his room door, knocking a few times before letting myself in. I looked around the room but he was no-where to be seen. That's when I realised the bed was uneven, which meant; he was hiding under the covers. I smiled to myself as I decided to just cuddle to the boy who didn't even realise I walked in. 

Gently lifting the blanket I slipped into his bed wrapping my arms around him, just then the small guy started to shuffle. Did I wake him up?

Jimin turned around to face me and I watched him slightly open his eyes, wanting to see who distracted his sleep, I smiled gently at the tired boy who seemed to still not able to cope with who he is looking at right now, or maybe he just doesn't mind. "Hey, sleeping beauty." I mumbled to not startle him.

"Why are you calling me a sleeping beauty?.." He asked also mumbling probabbly half asleep at this point.

"Because you're beautiful and you're sleeping." I explained. "Well, I think you're half asleep." I added with a bright smile on my face that Jimin probabbly didn't even notice as his eyes were practically closed right now.

"Yeah, okay.. Just cuddle me, I'm sleepy.." He mumbled once more and snuggled close to me, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

I felt a wierdly warm shiver spread down my body when I felt Jimins hot breath against my neck but nonetheless I smiled and held the small guy closer to me, closing my eyes to also go to sleep.


A useless fact: I can't get 'Don't Know What To Do' by BLACKPINK and 'Fancy' by Twice out I my head.

Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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