Chapter 18|| Pizza

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|Jungkook's Pov|

When I woke up the next morning I quickly realised that no one was in the apartment and I was all alone.

Walking into the kitchen I saw a yellow post-it note on the fridge. Is it for me? Well it obviously is since it's written in Korean. It seemed that both Jimin and Alex weren't going to arrive until past 3PM which means I have another five or more hours to somehow spend.

So, I decided to explore the area a bit, I got dressed, took my phone, a spare pair of keys and left to the outside world of America.

I walked around quite a bit and I honestly thought that at some point got lost but thanks to the magic of Google Maps on my phone I could get back at any time.

Walking through the town my attention was caught by a street dancer who looked extremely skinny but still healthy. It didn't take me long to realise it was a woman due to her slim body shape. She had long strawberry-blonde hair, she wore a black, sleeveless, tight crop too and baggy camo trousers with two chains on her left hip. Her trainers were pure white and her face was covered with a camo hat which matched her trousers. The only aspect of her face wich I could see were her full lips which were coloured in the colour of strawberries.

I stopped in front of her, where a small group of people stood to watch her dance so energetically. What I realised was that she was currently dancing to a Korean song.

I watched her dance to about three songs before she finally stopped to catch a breath, as people who were watching her before, gave her money. I think I was the only one who hanged around when everyone else carried on with thier lives probabbly forgetting all about this street performance but I wanted to find out if by any chance this girl could speak Korean. I will most likely need a friend here who I could actually communicate with since Jimin will be quite busy with his school work.

As the place cleared out the girl was busy collecting all the money and her phone with a speaker. She reached for her water bottle but a sound of a phone ringing stopped her from it, she reached for her phone and answered it, being comepletely oblivious to me standing a few meters away. "Hello? Chaeyoung-ah?" She spoke through the phone in Korean and I was kinda happy that I found someone who speaks Korean. "Yeah I just finished, how long are you working today?.. Midnight.. Alright, I'll make sure to leave you some food then." After that short conversation she hung up and slid her phone into her pocket also taking off her hat. I recognised her, but I didn't know from where. That's when she realised my presence and looked up at me. "Uh, can I help you?" This time she started talking in English but I didn't really understand what she was saying. We stood there for a while not speaking until she spoke up again, with a face expression of sudden realisation. "Oh my god, are you Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook?" She asked in Korean. How does she know me? Well at least she's speaking Korean now.

"Uh, do we know each other?" I asked puzzled.

"Well, no. But I've heard about you from my best friend. Kim Jisoo." She said and suddenly it hit me. She's Jisoo's friend that she showed me a few picture of before.

"Ah yes, I think Jisoo mentioned you before to me, Manoban Lalisa, right?" The girl nodded her hair with a smile so I also smiled.

"What are you doing in America?" She asked casually.

"I'm here with my boyfriend, he's in University here." I quickly explained.

"I see. Well I guess you see my performance.."

"Yes, you were great, I don't understand how you can dance so well for so long." I kind of admired her at this point for her strong stamina. She only smiled and poked me with her elbow.

"Years of practice." She replied to my comment. "Hey, do you have free time? We can have lunch at this pizza place I know." She suggested. I wasn't going to reject the offer since I litterally didn't have anything else to do and I needed someone to talk to anyway. So I agreed and I followed Lalisa to that pizza place she was talking about.

When we got there we took a seat next to a window and looked at the menu. "What kind of pizza do you like?" She asked looking up from the menu.

"Honestly I don't mind as long as there are no mushrooms on it." I answered. "What about you?" I asked.

"I eat every kind of pizza. So you can choose."

"Okay then... let's get an Italian spicy one then." I said and we both agreed on it. Not long after a waitress came to take our order and now all we had to do is wait. "So, how's Jisoo?" I asked since I haven't actually talked to her for a few years.

"As far as I'm aware she's fine. Why? Do you guys not talk anymore?" Lisa asked and I shyly nodded. "What happened if I may ask?"

"Well, I just kinda got caught up in something and just stopped talking to her.. though I'd like to renew the friendship we once had." I admitted.

"Well, if you want to I can give you her number so you two could talk." She suggested.

"If that's fine with you then I'd love that." With that the girl took out her phone and after a few seconds of going through it she passed it to me with Jisoo's number on it. I quickly typed it in and saved it. I smiled gently at the strawberry blonde haired girl and thanked her. After that we spent the rest of our lunch eating and talking.


I think this is the most boring chapter so far, I apologise but I promise the next chapter will be much better!

Hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!

-Yuka~Chan ♡

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