Chapter 29|| Goodbyes

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|Jimin's Pov|

Today I officially left my university and was leaving to Korea with Jungkook and Sunmi. Alex drove us three to the airport and was seeing us off but I didn't realise I'd be crying like a child again..

Sunmi was standing with Jungkook giggling to themselves as I couldn't let go of Alex's arm out of sadness. I lived with him for 8 years it hurts to just leave him now.. "But you promise you'll visit me this Summer?" I asked with puppy like eyes. At least I hope that's what it looked like.

Alex chuckled looking over at the other two and then looked back at the depressed me. "Yes I will as long as you'll visit the Summer after that." He said patting my head.

I nodded and finally let go of the guy who seemed more than happy that I finally set him free. Sunmi walked over to me and began dragging me by my sleeve while I still had years rolling down my cheeks. "Come on now Chimmy, or else we'll be late for the plane. " She said evidentally tired of me acting like a child but I didn't care. I was sad.

"I swear you got more childish over the years." Jungkook pointed out and I looked at him a bit surprised.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Lies." He said laughing and finally I obeyed Sunmi and walked properly to the aeroplane.

We got comfy in our seats. Jungkook was next to a window, I was in the middle and then Sunmi was sitting on my right side. This time it looked like Jungkook wasn't nervous about being in a plane which was always good and Sunmi already switched off by putting her headphones in and listening to music.

I sat there silently as the plane left America and I couldn't help but feel really, really bored.. I looked over at Jungkook who was leaning his head on his arm while staring into the distance outside the window. He seemed to be in thought or worried about something so I decided to try and cheer him up.

I put my arms around his neck and begun acting like a child again. "Jungkook-ah, I'm bored. Talk to me~" Jungkook looked over at me and smiled delicately as he ruffled my hair.

"What do you wanna talk about, child?" He asked with a smirk.

Already picking a rights, Jain?

I furrowed my eyebrows before I say up straight. "Okay first of all, I am not a child. Second of all-" I paused not having anything else to say so I say there thinking deeply about what to say but just that seemed to make the younger laugh.

"I see you got your energy back then?" I smiled noddeding, looking up at the guy who seemed to be constantly smiling with his eyes. "That's good. I hope to never see you in a bad state like that ever again." He replied to my nod, hugging me with one arm.

"I wonder what my mom will say about all of this.." I mumbled when silence fell between us two. Jungkooks gaze met mine and I think he could tell that I was feeling somewhat stressed. He smiled in a comforting way and said:

"Don't worry, it's all going to be fine."

That was enough for me to calm my thoughts down and drift off to sleep. Again.

Later on Sunmi woke me up and what it looked like, Jungkook as well, telling us we'll be in Korea soon. I nodded while stretching my numb arms and legs before looking out the window to be met with the night's sky. A sudden shiver ran down my spine as I realised that I'll be completely freezing when we get off since I wasn't exactly wearing warm clothes. I love making the wrong decisions in life.

About fifteen minutes later we got off the plane, found our luggage and also bid out farewell to Sunmi who didn't live in Seoul. She told us she'd come visit us sometime soon so I wasn't really upset by her leaving. On the other hand, me and Jungkook took a public bus back to his house. I felt mixed emotions as my mind was filled up with the fact that I'll be living with Jungkook from now on, yet I also realised that as a got closer he would look more and more nervous by the second. Why? "Jungkook, you okay?" I questioned placing my hand on top of his making him look my way. He smiled yet his nervousness was still evident.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said softly nodding at me. "It's just that I don't know if Taeyoon actually moved out of my house.."


I know it takes me a while to update but I tend to play videogames too much and then I realise I forgot to do a chapter 😂

Please forgive me 😅

Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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