Chapter 13|| Second Chance

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|Jimin's Pov|

"So you're telling me that Jungkook is getting married?"

"No- well- I think not anymore unless he'll change his mind." I declared to Sunmi who I was on the phone to at the moment.

"So who's the guy he was gonna get married to?" She asked.

"It's a girl." I corrected. "Her name is Taeyoon, and as far as I know she's a sweet girl." I added.

"But I thought Jungkook was gay?"

"Yeah, well maybe at some point he started to like girls as well."

"Good for him? I guess?"

"Either way I think I finally made things right again." I stated happily while leaning against the counter in the kitchen.

"That's great!" She cheered. "Wait- does that mean I can expect an invitation to the Jikook wedding?"

"You still remember this ship name you made?" I asked kinda surprised.

"Of course! After all, I was you guys's matchmaker!"

"Honestly, sometimes I forget you're older than me.." I sighed while Sunmi giggled through the phone.

"Well, it was great talking to you but I got to go now since Seolhyun is crying again. I think she might be hungry and Hyejeong isn't home at the minute so I've got to feed the baby." She explained.

"Wow, you guys sure we're serious about the adopting thing." I commented.

"You sound as if you didn't believe in me.. anyways, I'll call or text you later."

"Alright." I nodded even though she couldn't see.

"Bye Chimmy!" She chuckled.

"Bye-Bye" I hanged up and slid my phone into my back pocket. I had no idea what to do with myself so just like my mom would, I started to clean the house. Hopefully Jungkook can handle the whole 'breaking off the marriage' thing.

|Jungkook's Pov|

I made my way back to my house, I felt slightly nervous but I knew I had to do this and that's it's the only way. I just hope she'll understand..

"Taeyoon?" I spoke up as I took off my shoes in the hallway. The woman I knew very well walked out from the kitchen with her arms crossed, mixture of feelings decorating her eyes as she looked at me. "We need to talk.. and it's important." I begun, she nodded averting her eyes from mine as if she could sense what was coming. We entered the living room and sat down at the couch, quite a distance seperating us.

"You're breaking it off, aren't you?.." She spoke up before I could. I looked at her a bit thrown off track. She didn't look at me though. "The marriage.. you don't want to get married anymore, right?.."

"Yeah.." I said quietly turning my head back to the coffee table I was staring at before. "I'm sorry.. that it took so long.. I didn't want to hurt you.." I apologised but the woman shook her head looking down.

"It doesn't matter.. you've done enough.. " She said quietly as she got up from the couch, she walked up to me while fiddling with her fingers and only when she reached out her hand towards me I realised she gave back the engagement ring to me. "Take it. I won't need it anymore.." Her voice broke at the end as I realised I made her cry.

"Taeyoon.." I also stood up when she was leaving the living room. She stopped in her tracks. "I'm sorry but... I would like to ask you to move out as fast as possible.. until you do.. I'll live with my father." I added and it seemed like that made the girl break even more.

I'm sorry Taeyoon, but that's how it has to be..

I walked past the woman who seemed too hurt to move, I got my coat and shoes and walked out of my house leaving Taeyoon to herself. I felt bad, but also relieved. If I didn't do it now it would complicate things, I just hope she just won't hate me forever, she was a good friend.. I took my phone out and dialed my dad, I told him what's up and he surprisingly understood but something about his voice seemed to not me too okay with me suddenly breaking off the marriage. He'll probably need some time since he really liked Taeyoon but I know he'll understand that I would and will be happier with Jimin. 

After finishing the call with my father I called Jimin almost instantly. "Jimin? I told her."

"Really? How did it go?"

"She knew I'd call off the wedding sooner or later, she's just probably not taking it well though." I sighed. "I left the house, I'll stay at my dad's for a while until she moves out."I added.

"Hah? You could've stayed at mine.." He said somewhat sad that I decided to stay at my dad's.

"Gosh, you're adorable. Anyway, let's meet. At the cafe we did when you first showed up." I suggested and Jimin agreed without hesitation.

Not even fifteen minutes later me and him both sat at a table in the cafe driking our hot drinks and talking as if we were back to being seventeen. I grabbed Jimins hand that was resting on the table and smiled happily at him. "Is something the matter?" He asked obviously not used to me grabbing his hand like that.

"No." I stated simply. "I'm just happy we finally got our happy ending." I added, Jimin also smiled slightly embaressed.

"Don't jinx it." He chuckled but I just kept on staring into his eyes.

"Honestly, I'm so lucky to be here with you.. just like the old times." 

"I love you, Jungkook." 

"I love you too." I replied with the exact same geniune simle like his.

This time, I promise I'll stay by your side no matter what. I'll chase after you as if there is no tomorrow, I'll care for you like a mother would to her child, I'll cherish you like a shiny diamond found in a tresure box. I'll make sure, that I'll be there for you at all times.

Because that's how much you mean to me, and that's how much I love you.

I hope you feel the exact same way..

Let us enjoy our second chance, Park Jimin.



That's all I have to say for this chapter.

It took me so long to get this finished, I was comepletly out of ideas, and I'm glad that a few of you tried to help me when I asked for it! Means a lot! I love you all!! >~<


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