Chapter 46|| Disneyland

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|Jungkook's POV|



Through the whole way in the taxi Jimin would not stop trying to find out where we going but I would not say and just say it's a surprise. He wasn't really one of the most patient people when it came to surprises so I expected him to be like this.

Before we got out the taxi where Disneyland was I covered Jimins eyes so he wouldn't see, it was quite intresting to get him get out the car without tripping and accidentally dying but we managed and when we walked up to the gates of Disneyland.

"Ready?" I asked feeling excited to see the guys reaction.

"Ready." He said confidentially and I removed my hands from his face revealing Disneyland to him. His childlike expression was priceless and I just couldn't take my eyes off of him as his eyes were happier than his smile.

"Excited?" I asked. Jimin turned to look at me still with the same face expression.

"Hell yeah! I'm gonna get on all the rides!" Jimin exclaimed, jumping on his tip toes.

"Well we do have a whole day to ourselves." I commented as Jimin dragged me to the gate where I showed the tickets I bought online.

Through the whole day I would just go where Jimin wanted to. I watched him get excited by cute plushies in stores or by the rides that he actually was too scared to go on to. I took a few pictures every now and then or small videos showing what a child Jimin is, but what I enjoyed the most about this was the fact that Jimin would be always smiling.

It was dinner time and we decided to eat in the restaurant in Disneyland where they served quite intresting food but I enjoyed it either way and it seems like Jimin as well.

"This is such a great day, thank you so much, Kookie." Jimin started a conversation, I looked up from my plate to look at the guy.

"No problem, I love it when you're happy like this." I said with a smile to match Jimins facial expression.

"The only reason why I'm so happy like this is because you're here with me too." I tried smiling even more than I already was but at this point I don't think it is possible.

"Eat up." I said having nothing more to say which Jimin seemed to follow as he didn't say anything more and just continued eating.

After dinner it was already pretty dark and because we just ate we decided to just walk around, enjoying the aura in Disneyland. I felt Jimins hand slip into mine as he intertwined our fingers and leaned his head on my shoulder as we walked. I wanted to start a conversation but I didn't really know what to talk about so I must've looked quite deep in thought for Jimin to speak up first.

"What you thinking about?" He asked calmly.

"You." I answered bluntly. I didn't have to look at Jimin to know that remark made him smile.

There was another silence that fell upon us as we walked but this time I started up a conversation that I hoped would not finish after one word.

"Do you know how Sunmi and Chungha met?" I asked in genuine curiosity. Jimin looked up at me taking some time to think about it before answering,

"Not really, I think they met at work or something." Jimin muttered staring in front of him.

"What a risky move to be in a relationship while working at the same place."

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