Chapter 19|| Suspicion

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|Jungkook's Pov|

After lunch I got back home (somehow, with the help of Google Maps) and sat down on my bed while staring at my phone's screen that was about a meter away from me. The screen was showing Jisoos number that Lisa kindly gave to me and I was hoping that giving the phone death glares would sort out my issue of not knowing wether to text her, call her or to do anything at all.

I was snaped out of my thoughts and intense death glaring by the sound of front door opening and closing.


Just like a child would when thier mother has came back home, I ran out of the room to greet Jimin who seemed exhausted and was in the middle of taking his shoes off. With a smile on my face I slowed down to walking and eventually stopping near the small guy. "Hey." I said and Jimin looked up.

"Oh, hey. How was your day?" He asked taking off his coat and hanging it on the hanger. Is he angry or just really tired?

"It was fine.. what about you?"

"Hm?" He looked at me obviously not listening to what I just said. I bit the inside of my mouth and decided to just ask him.

"Are you okay? You seem.. upset."

"I'm fine.. just tired.." He brushed it off walking past me but I wasn't accepting this. Just as he walked past me I managed to grab a hold of his wrist and stopped him.

"Jimin, I'm not going to go through hiding stuff from each other again. Just tell me, please.." I tried persuading him hoping he'd tell me what bothers him. He looked at me blankly still not willing to tell me.

Alright Jungkook, one more try and then just give up.

"We need to trust each other if you want this relationship to work, Jimin. How are we gonna act like a couple if all we do I hide stuff from each other?" I stated making a stale point and that seemed to make Jimin back down and finally tell me what's going on. He turned away from me staring down at the wooden floor.

"I see you with a girl today.. you guys seemed to be having fun.. I guess I'm just jelous.." He admitted and I took away my hand from his wrist gently letting it just flop to my side.

"Honestly.. Jimin, the things you do. The good ones and the stupid ones, no matter what.. you just make me go crazy." I said getting closer to him. He, didn't realising how close I was to him, jumped up a bit from surprise. "Don't get jelous when you see me with someone else, because even when I was engaged all I could think of was you. Didn't matter if it was to forget you, you still were the main subject of my thoughts. You'll always be. No matter what." I added grabbing his hand and looking into his eyes. "My Jiminie~" Jimin blushed and looked away trying to hide himself from my eyes but it wasn't working very well.

"Who was she?..." He questioned.

"Jisoo's friend. Lisa, she gave me Jisoo's phone number so I could contact her again. That's about it." I replied truthfully and Jimin nodded.

"Alright.." He sighed. "I guess I can get pretty over reactive when it comes to things like this.." I could tell he was embaressed with himself due to all of this yet what I didn't understand is why he'd think I would be flirting with someone else when all I ever wanted is right in front of me. I delicately touched his cheek making him look up from the floor; closing my eyes I connected our lips in a gentle, slow kiss making sure he could feel all my emotions towards him through that one kiss.

Parting my lips away from his, I looked deep into his eyes and said: "You're already all I ever wanted, Jiminie." I smile and Jimin just looking away from my eyes huged me not saying another word.

"Sorry for doubting you.."

"It's okay, we all get suspicious from time to time." I replied putting my arms around the tiny guy. "You know, you're so small I bet I could hide you in a jacket if I was wearing one." I said trying to annoy him, which seemed to work as he lightly slapped my back. I laughed letting go of Jimin who puffed out his cheeks look at me 'angrily'. "Yes?" I asked with a smirk.

"You just love to annoy me, don't you?" 

"Only you and your tiny, baby hands" That's when I earned another slap but this time on my arm. Jeez he's such a baby boy. "Alright I'll stop. Anyways, how was school?" I asked following behind Jimin like a good puppy.

"It was tireing, I thought the teacher had something against me, and kept on picking on me to answer every single question." Jimin answered with a small sigh as he made his way over to the couch and set down on it. "What's worse she set a ton of hidious homework like: 'Find out the exact time of when Elvis Presley died', I mean, how are you supposed to find that out on the internet?!" I couldn't help but snicker a little at how worked up he was getting. "This isn't funny, Jungkook! That woman is litterally insane!"

"Well then I guess you should be getting to work, huh?" I said obviously trying to bother him a little bit more. He rolled his eyes at me, then got up from the seat.

"Okay, I'll do that. But don't expect me to cook dinner for you tonight!" He said sternly and walked away in a 'sassy' way. Honestly, when I couldn't see him no more I bursted out laughing at how hilarious the tiny guy can be without even realising it.

I soon got up myself and walked back to my room where I got my phone again and started to stare at it again.

Alright, that's it. I'm texting her.


Another chapter done! And it's not as bad as the previous one!

Also, I just made a tumblr account where I'll be posting sneak-peaks of the upcoming chapters so if you're intrested please follow me! The username is comfyinmysleep so I don't think it's going to be hard to find hehe

Also ty to this one reader who kinda gave me the idea for this chapter, you know who you are 😘

I hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!


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