Chapter 35|| Screenshots

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|Jungkook's POV|

The weather is horrible.

It's raining, it's cold and it's windy, but hey, guess what? I am standing in the middle of the main park, waiting for whoever sent me that text to arrive. I have no clue who they are but if they know my number they surely know my appearance.

So here I am, standing like an idiot, looking around for anyone that could potentially be that mysterious person. I begun checking my phone for the time, I came here five minutes early and exactly in one minute it's going to be 6pm.

Jimin was strongly against me going out today but it was my choice, and I refused for him to tag along as I know he gets ill easily.

"Jungkook-ah." I looked up from my phone to see Taeyoon walking gracefully, wearing a long coat, holding a red umbrella, walking towards me with confidence.

"Taeyoon.. did you send me that text?" I asked as she walked really close up to me but only to shelter me with her umbrella from the rain.

"Yes. I really needed to talk to you." She said confiriming.

"Then why did you use a private number?" I asked feeling confused as to why she didn't just text me normally.

"That's because I thought that you'd probabbly ignore the text if you'd recognise my number.." She pointed out and now I understood where she was coming from.

"I see.. Well, how about we go to a cafe to discuss whatever you have to say instead of standing out in the cold?" I suggested and the woman nodded in agreement. As we walked it was quite obvious that she was struggling to keep the umbrella above both of us especially since I was taller than her, so I took the umbrella to make it easier for both of us. As we passed by people some of them were looking at us and I realised that we probabbly look like a couple right now. If only they knew I have a boyfriend..

We walked into a random cafe and sat down next to the window. I ordered myself a hot chocolate while Taeyoon ordered coffee. "Okay, now that we're warmer, what did you want to talk about?" I asked not wanting to waste anymore time that I could spend with Jimin instead.

"Ah, yes-" The girl snapped back to tho original reason of us meeting here as she reached down to her handbag and brung out her phone. She seemed to have been looking for something in it and when she did she turned it to face me and slid it across the table towards me. "I wanted to show you this.." She trailed off as my eyes looked at the screenshot on her phone.

"Wha-What is this?" I asked feeling a range of feelings build up inside me.

"My friend found him on this dating app - of course he didn't know who he was until I told him - but when he was talking to him it seemed as if Jimin was single and kept on flirting with him." She explained as my eyes scanned the screenshot of a conversation between what it seemed to be Jimin and another dude. Taeyoon scrolled through the next screenshots as I couldn't believe, no, I didn't want to believe that Jimin was doing something like this behind my back.

"Are you sure this is him? And not someone very similar to him?" I asked, I trust Jimin with my whole heart, I know he wouldn't do this.

"I mean, as far as I know, his profile information is all the same as Jimins so..." The girl trailed off watching as my face expression fades into despair. There was a part of me that didn't want to believe this information but the evidence was right in front of me, what am I supposed to do in this situation? "As both of them talked Jimin invited my friend to sign up for modern dance lessons with him so they could spend time and as Jimin said: 'private lessons' and since Jimin is starting tomorrow, maybe you should go there a couple of minutes before he finished his job and see for yourself how then two act around each other." The girl suggested taking her phone away, making me look up at her. I stayed silent for a while before I looked at her once more and smiled bitterly.

"Thanks Taeyoon, but I think I'll choose to trust Jimin and assume that those screenshots are some kind of a misunderstanding." I said getting up and collecting my belongings. "If this is all, I'll get going now. Goodbye." I added finishing off this little meeting and walked out of the cafe to be met with the cold thick wind slapping me right in the face as if to scold me for something stupid that I've done, and honestly I have; I actually believed what Taeyoon showed me there for a second, and a part of me still does, even if I need to trust Jimin.

I got home and Jimin almost instantly walked up to me, ready to ask questions. "Hey, so who was it?" Was the first thing he said. I couldn't help but feel a bit upset while looking at him like this, but I brushed off the feeling.

"Uh, I think it was just a sick joke from someone who found my number or whatever." I said not wanting to tell him what actually happened.

Jimins eyes widened. "You stood in tho cold and rain for an hour?!" He asked in a terrified tone.

"Wait, an hour passed already?" I asked confused, checking my phone. He was right, the whole thing took up a solid hour of my time. "Huh, didn't even realise.. I'm not that cold though." I said as I walked into the kitchen to get myself a cup of tea with Jimin who sat on the counter next to where I was preparing the water.

At the end of that day, I decided to go to Jimins work tomorrow to see if Taeyoon was right or not.

I hope she wasn't...


I aM bAcK fRoM tHe DeAd!!

Let me just say; the underworld is a great place but everyone was staring at me wierdly so I came back!

But seriously now, I didn't have my phone but I have it back now so here I am hihi

Also this was already written up before my phone was taken (ye I write an extra chapter just in case for times like this so I can upload asap)


This is the point in the book where everyone gets angry and sad for multiple reasons and I'm here to laugh evily because I can.


This is going to be hell guys so buckle up.

Anygays, (I told you I'd use it; you know who you are ;)) )

Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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