Chapter 5|| Regret

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|Jimin's Pov|

I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to taste those lips at least one more time. He doesn't realise how much I regret all the lid decisions I made up til' now. I knew this couldn't last long so I wasn't surprised when suddenly Jungkook pulled back from me and took a step back.

"What the hell Jimin!" Jungkook exclaimed obviously surprised and angry at me. I lowered my gaze fiddling with my fingers.

"I said I'm sorry." I said defensivley.

"Why did you do that?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Because I wanted to. Even if you would- I don't know- hit me, slap me, kick me, shout at me- whatever! I still wanted to kiss your lips that one last time before you'll be out of my reach forever." I said looking up at him kinda scared of what he's going to say next.

"Well it sure was a dick move." He said and I felt as if someone just threw a knife inside my chest. "You need to realise that we aren't getting back together." He added and now it felt like someone took that knife inside of me and twisted it.

Jungkook, why are you like this? Why can't you see that still, after all this time I am the one you should be with? Is this being selfish?

"I'm not giving up. I'll tell you this over and over again. Just so you'll finally understand." I said before I turned around to leave and just go home.

It did hurt that he didn't even try to stop me but I guess I hope for too much, after all; this isn't a fairytale that always has a good ending.

Walking through the empty streets I felt worse, and worse by each second. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him? Or maybe I shouldn't have left? What if Jungkook is actually unhappy in his relationship? What if I just ruined everything?

I sighed depressed as I walked into my house and went to my room upstairs, where I instantly fell on my bed and cuddled myself up to one of the pillows. I hate being so stupid.

I reached for my phone feeling how guilt started to fill the inside of me as I knew that Jungkook didn't want that kiss but I kissed him anyway. I had to apologise one more time.


I'm sorry,

I know I shouldn't have and I regret kissing you knowing that you wouldn't want that

I was being selfish and stupid

Just like past those eight years..


I wanted to put my phone back down not expecting anyone to text me at this hour but surprisingly, Jungkook replied instantly to my texts.


I can't say I forgive you

But I do understand how you feel

What's more important is that sorry won't cut it for those eight years


My heart sank in what felt like acid.

This is karma, isn't it?

I had this coming for me; I was just too stupid and blind to see that.


I'm sorry

I'll stop bothering you from now on

I'll see you at your wedding.


This is pointless. I should give up before I get hurt even more, otherwise I'll end up doing something stupid again and it will only cause trouble for others like always.


Today I went to meet up with Seokjin in the main park. We walked around it feeding squirrels and talked about everything but also about nothing, just like we used to. I was still feeling down after what has happened three nights ago and what's worse Jungkooks wedding is just around the corner. I felt myself drown in misery as I had to prepare myself for seeing Jungkook marry a woman that aparently wasn't even good for him.

"Jungkook texted me about you reasently." Seokjin began suddenly and I looked up at him.

"Why?" Was all I could say at this point.

"He felt confused with himself. He felt the need of saying sorry after some things he said to you but he also didn't want to forgive you so easily." He replied feeding some more squirrels.

"He doesn't need to feel confused. He should be happy he found someone who doesn't treat him like shit." I said kicking a rock nearby.

"Don't say that." Jin commented. "You can't put yourself down like that. We all make mistakes and the only thing we can do about them is learnt from them. I believe that you two will still end up together before the wedding." He said.

"Well you're belief is wrong then. Jungkook is happy with Taeyoon and I can't do anything about it anymore." I argued.

"You're wrong."

"No. You're wrong." I said getting frustrated. "He made it pretty clear to me that he doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't want to get in his way anymore." I ended sitting down on a bench and Seokjin sat down next to me.

"Jimin. I went to his house the other day, he started to wear the earrings he got from you on Christmas and also when I went to his room to get him his phone charger because I was going to the toilet anyway, I saw that he suddenly put up a picture of you on his bedside." Seokjin argued back with pretty solid proof. "Now if that's not proof that there is still some chemistry between you then I'm secretly a pink princess with 5 children and I'm married to Namjoon." Seokjin added.

"Alright, what do I do then?" I asked.

"It will be hard but you'll have to bring him to a state where he'll throw his feelings at you."

"And how am I meant to do that?" I asked another question.

"We'll plan a meeting with the guys and manage to give you some time after with Jungkook. The rest is up to you." He explained and I nodded.

Is there really still a chance or am I being stupid again?


Jimin is such a torn apart baby I just wanna give him a big teddy bear to make him feel better T^T


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